psychopathy in corporate gov and its trickle down effects...


Well-Known Member
psychopathy in corporate gov and its trickle down effects = my words...
can anyone here say that the ruling class (now and for longer than anyone reading this has been alive to say the least) doesn't/hasn't met the somewhat broad definition below?
when ruled by such minds etc for so long, does it not eventually effect the whole populations thinking?
democrats say republicans are bat shit crazy and the republicans say the same about the my view both are correct...from where i sit we have all become psychopathy sock puppets...

not my words:

Psychopathy (/saɪˈkɒpəθi/) (or sociopathy (/ˈsoʊsiəˌpæθi/)) is defined as either an aspect of personality or as a personality disorder, characterized by enduring dissocial or antisocial behavior, a diminished capacity for empathy or remorse, and poor behavioral controls or fearless dominance. There are various definitions which are only partly overlapping and sometimes appear contradictory.[SUP][1][/SUP]
The 4th and 5th editions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) have a diagnosis of Antisocial (Dissocial) Personality Disorder(ASPD), which states: "The essential feature of antisocial personality disorder is a pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood. This pattern has also been referred to as psychopathy, sociopathy, or dyssocial personality disorder." Although no psychiatric or psychological organization has sanctioned a diagnosis titled "psychopathy", assessments of psychopathy characteristics are widely used in criminal justice settings in some nations, and may have important consequences for individuals.[SUP][2][/SUP] The term is also used by the general public, in popular press, and in fictional portrayals.[SUP][3][/SUP]
Although American psychiatrist Hervey Cleckley's work on psychopathy probably influenced the initial diagnostic criteria for antisocial personality reaction/disturbance in the DSM, as did American psychologist George E. Partridge's work on sociopathy, in 1980 the somewhat different diagnosis of ASPD was introduced. However, American psychologist Robert D. Hare repopularised the construct of psychopathy in criminology with his Psychopathy Checklist.[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP][SUP][5][/SUP][SUP][6][/SUP][SUP][7][/SUP]
The word "psychopathy" is a joining of the Greek words psyche (ψυχή)—meaning soul—and pathos (πάθος)—meaning suffering or feeling.

“I knew in my heart something was wrong with him (or with her)”. This is what nearly every victim of a psychopath has felt, usually early on in the relationship. The over-the-top flattery. The quick pace of the relationship and demands for instant commitment. The lies and inconsistencies. The callousness towards others. The disregard for social norms. The sense of superiority (absolute narcissism), without having much to show for it or justify it. The aimlessness and lack of responsibility. The random oscillations in mood and behavior, to exert power over others. The demands for isolation from loved ones and friends. The sexual deviancy. The control and possessiveness. There are always very disturbing signs in the psychopathic bond, signs that we tend to ignore or rationalize until the toxic relationship, like a disease, takes over to destroy our lives.

Hervey Cleckley’s List of Psychopathy Symptoms:
1. Considerable superficial charm and average or above average intelligence.
2. Absence of delusions and other signs of irrational thinking.
3. Absence of anxiety or other “neurotic” symptoms. Considerable poise, calmness and verbal facility.
4. Unreliability, disregard for obligations, no sense of responsibility, in matters of little and great import.
5. Untruthfulness and insincerity.
6. Antisocial behavior which is inadequately motivated and poorly planned, seeming to stem from an inexplicable impulsiveness.
7. Inadequately motivated antisocial behavior.
8. Poor judgment and failure to learn from experience.
9. Pathological egocentricity. Total self-centeredness and an incapacity for real love and attachment.
10. General poverty of deep and lasting emotions.
11. Lack of any true insight; inability to see oneself as others do.
12. Ingratitude for any special considerations, kindness and trust.
13. Fantastic and objectionable behavior, after drinking and sometimes even when not drinking. Vulgarity, rudeness, quick mood shifts, pranks for facile entertainment.
14. No history of genuine suicide attempts.
15. An impersonal, trivial, and poorly integrated sex life.
16. Failure to have a life plan and to live in any ordered way (unless it is for destructive purposes or a sham).
Robert Hare’s Checklist of Psychopathy Symptoms:
1. GLIB AND SUPERFICIAL CHARM — the tendency to be smooth, engaging, charming, slick, and verbally facile. Psychopathic charm is not in the least shy, self-conscious, or afraid to say anything. A psychopath never gets tongue-tied. He can also be a great listener, to simulate empathy while zeroing in on his targets’ dreams and vulnerabilities, to be able to manipulate them better.
2. GRANDIOSE SELF-WORTH — a grossly inflated view of one’s abilities and self-worth, self-assured, opinionated, cocky, a braggart. Psychopaths are arrogant people who believe they are superior human beings.
3. NEED FOR STIMULATION or PRONENESS TO BOREDOM — an excessive need for novel, thrilling, and exciting stimulation; taking chances and doing things that are risky. Psychopaths often have a low self-discipline in carrying tasks through to completion because they get bored easily. They fail to work at the same job for any length of time, for example, or to finish tasks that they consider dull or routine.
4. PATHOLOGICAL LYING — can be moderate or high; in moderate form, they will be shrewd, crafty, cunning, sly, and clever; in extreme form, they will be deceptive, deceitful, underhanded, unscrupulous, manipulative and dishonest.
5. CONNING AND MANIPULATIVENESS: the use of deceit and deception to cheat, con, or defraud others for personal gain; distinguished from Item #4 in the degree to which exploitation and callous ruthlessness is present, as reflected in a lack of concern for the feelings and suffering of one’s victims.
6. LACK OF REMORSE OR GUILT: a lack of feelings or concern for the losses, pain, and suffering of victims; a tendency to be unconcerned, dispassionate, coldhearted and unempathic. This item is usually demonstrated by a disdain for one’s victims.
7. SHALLOW AFFECT: emotional poverty or a limited range or depth of feelings; interpersonal coldness in spite of signs of open gregariousness and superficial warmth.
8. CALLOUSNESS and LACK OF EMPATHY: a lack of feelings toward people in general; cold, contemptuous, inconsiderate, and tactless.
9. PARASITIC LIFESTYLE: an intentional, manipulative, selfis, and exploitative financial dependence on others as reflected in a lack of motivation, low self-discipline and the inability to carry through one’s responsibilities.
10. POOR BEHAVIORAL CONTROLS: expressions of irritability, annoyance, impatience, threats, aggression and verbal abuse; inadequate control of anger and temper; acting hastily.
11. PROMISCUOUS SEXUAL BEHAVIOR: a variety of brief, superficial relations, numerous affairs, and an indiscriminate selection of sexual partners; the maintenance of numerous, multiple relationships at the same time; a history of attempts to sexually coerce others into sexual activity (rape) or taking great pride at discussing sexual exploits and conquests.
12. EARLY BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS: a variety of behaviors prior to age 13, including lying, theft, cheating, vandalism, bullying, sexual activity, fire-setting, glue-sniffing, alcohol use and running away from home.
13. LACK OF REALISTIC, LONG-TERM GOALS: an inability or persistent failure to develop and execute long-term plans and goals; a nomadic existence, aimless, lacking direction in life.
14. IMPULSIVITY: the occurrence of behaviors that are unpremeditated and lack reflection or planning; inability to resist temptation, frustrations and momentary urges; a lack of deliberation without considering the consequences; foolhardy, rash, unpredictable, erratic and reckless.
15. IRRESPONSIBILITY: repeated failure to fulfill or honor obligations and commitments; such as not paying bills, defaulting on loans, performing sloppy work, being absent or late to work, failing to honor contractual agreements.
16. FAILURE TO ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR OWN ACTIONS: a failure to accept responsibility for one’s actions reflected in low conscientiousness, an absence of dutifulness, antagonistic manipulation, denial of responsibility, and an effort to manipulate others through this denial.
17. MANY SHORT-TERM RELATIONSHIPS: a lack of commitment to a long-term relationship reflected in inconsistent, undependable, and unreliable commitments in life, including in marital and familial bonds.
18. JUVENILE DELINQUENCY: behavior problems between the ages of 13-18; mostly behaviors that are crimes or clearly involve aspects of antagonism, exploitation, aggression, manipulation, or a callous, ruthless tough-mindedness.
19. REVOCATION OF CONDITION RELEASE: a revocation of probation or other conditional release due to technical violations, such as carelessness, low deliberation or failing to appear.
20. CRIMINAL VERSATILITY: a diversity of types of criminal offenses, regardless if the person has been arrested or convicted for them; taking great pride at getting away with crimes or wrongdoings.
These lists have been compiled by angelfire, on the link below:

Claudia Moscovici, psychopathyawareness

Must not be any psychopaths since I know of no one who exhibits all 20 of those behaviors on the checklist. I know a few people who probably would answer yes to 15 or so, but I guess they aren't sociopaths either since one must display all 20.
Must not be any psychopaths since I know of no one who exhibits all 20 of those behaviors on the checklist. I know a few people who probably would answer yes to 15 or so, but I guess they aren't sociopaths either since one must display all 20.

are all 20 really necessary?
and are some maybe just really good at the masking part?

i like ross 2...he never appeared to be a psychopathy puppet...
are all 20 really necessary?
and are some maybe just really good at the masking part?

i like ross 2...he never appeared to be a psychopathy puppet...

Yes, Psychology is a SCIENCE, haven't you heard? therefore they MUST exhibit all 20, if they don't then they aren't Psychopaths. Real science would never give you different readings for the same stimulus, its impossible in SCIENCE. SCIENCE is hard quantifiable data that ALWAYS gets you the same result.

If you poke one person in the eye and he jumps up and down on one foot while crying, is 100% of the time the exact same response you will get from everyone.

Either that or Psychology isn't a science, but mostly a collection of inferred behavior tricks that can never be predicted with any real accuracy.

take your pick.

I don't think Ross shit on Sandra's desk though.
Yes, Psychology is a SCIENCE, haven't you heard? therefore they MUST exhibit all 20, if they don't then they aren't Psychopaths. Real science would never give you different readings for the same stimulus, its impossible in SCIENCE. SCIENCE is hard quantifiable data that ALWAYS gets you the same result.

If you poke one person in the eye and he jumps up and down on one foot while crying, is 100% of the time the exact same response you will get from everyone.

Either that or Psychology isn't a science, but mostly a collection of inferred behavior tricks that can never be predicted with any real accuracy.

take your pick.

I don't think Ross shit on Sandra's desk though.

i 'think' the science of the human mind is a lil more complicated, or at least far to squirmy to be clearly viewed from the tunnel your peering out from ND...
in the case of the ruling class scoring 20's across the board, who would know for sure because the 'science' (as you say) of diagnosing psychopathy is simply not part of the vetting process when we 'choose' our policy/law makers etc...and i double dare you to try and bring your 'science' to that process', i welcome such whole heatedly! :D
but in the case of the trickle down effects to the rest of us, are 20's really necessary?...
your own assessment/diagnosis claims a 15 out of 20 rating on the psycho scale for the folks you know, isn't that enough symptoms to tip the scale in the direction of being 'effected'?...maybe even effected enough to be easily manipulated into supporting other than what would actually be the best thing for all concerned etc...?
also the only officially clinically diagnosed psychopathy cases i know of are that of people who were 'bad' at it and got caught committing a recognized crime and ended up in some jail or prison some where and were in turn of course available for observation and diagnosis etc...
did you really even think about this before you posted?
Yes, Psychology is a SCIENCE, haven't you heard? therefore they MUST exhibit all 20, if they don't then they aren't Psychopaths. Real science would never give you different readings for the same stimulus, its impossible in SCIENCE. SCIENCE is hard quantifiable data that ALWAYS gets you the same result.

If you poke one person in the eye and he jumps up and down on one foot while crying, is 100% of the time the exact same response you will get from everyone.

Either that or Psychology isn't a science, but mostly a collection of inferred behavior tricks that can never be predicted with any real accuracy.

take your pick.

I don't think Ross shit on Sandra's desk though.

Fuzzy logic would freak you out.

People aren't all the same. Some people like you to bite them during sex. Another person would call the cops on you. Yet somehow scientists know how sex works to make babies. Even though different stimuli give different results. People have moods too. One day blue is your favorite color, a month later you might like yellow.

What is your solution, give up? No way. There's too much money in it. Otherwise grocery stores wouldn't put candy in the checkout line. Psychology in practice.
Fuzzy logic would freak you out.

People aren't all the same. Some people like you to bite them during sex. Another person would call the cops on you. Yet somehow scientists know how sex works to make babies. Even though different stimuli give different results. People have moods too. One day blue is your favorite color, a month later you might like yellow.

What is your solution, give up? No way. There's too much money in it. Otherwise grocery stores wouldn't put candy in the checkout line. Psychology in practice.

yummmy candy! i can hardly resist it :D but i try ;)

my audio is shot so i cant actually hear test this vid...hoping its about what i think its about lol...


ps...hey ND which 'check list' were you working from?
because one list has 20 and the other has 16...
Can someone please please please just tell me what a sock puppet is, you would think that I would have worked it out by now but I haven't. I get the whole sock turned into a puppet thing, but what the hell does the innuendo mean exactly. Come on guys help a guy out here will ya. Its driving me nut's!
Can someone please please please just tell me what a sock puppet is, you would think that I would have worked it out by now but I haven't. I get the whole sock turned into a puppet thing, but what the hell does the innuendo mean exactly. Come on guys help a guy out here will ya. Its driving me nut's!

sock pup·pet
[COLOR=#878787 !important]noun: sock puppet; plural noun: sock puppets; noun: sockpuppet; plural noun:sockpuppets[/COLOR]

  • 1.
    a simple hand puppet made from a sock.
    • a person whose actions are controlled by another.
      "to this mix of industry sock puppets add a gullible media"

  • 2.
    a false online identity, typically created by a person or group in order to promote their own opinions or views.
sock pup·pet
[COLOR=#878787 !important]noun: sock puppet; plural noun: sock puppets; noun: sockpuppet; plural noun:sockpuppets[/COLOR]

  • 1.
    a simple hand puppet made from a sock.
    • a person whose actions are controlled by another.
      "to this mix of industry sock puppets add a gullible media"

  • 2.
    a false online identity, typically created by a person or group in order to promote their own opinions or views.

Fuck, I could have google that ages ago, what a douche I have turned out to be. "hangs head in shame"
Fuck, I could have google that ages ago, what a douche I have turned out to be. "hangs head in shame"

exactly on point, only i would broaden the scope of your diagnosis to including us all at some illustrate the point we can begin with this symptom:

    • 2.
      a false online identity, typically created by a person or group in order to promote their own opinions or views.

So lets see if I get your point, don't be surprised if I don't though. Basically by that definition the whole damn RIU are sockpuppets?
So lets see if I get your point, don't be surprised if I don't though. Basically by that definition the whole damn RIU are sockpuppets?

lol...well if we need a place to begin to understand the greater point then i suppose that is a handy place to start :D
to go further (at that starting place) you left out the rest of your self diagnosis ;)
lol...well if we need a place to begin to understand the greater point then i suppose that is a handy place to start :D
to go further (at that starting place) you left out the rest of your self diagnosis ;)

You like fucking with my brain don't you, dammit, I dont get what you mean at all, but wait, I will go and ponder it for awhile and get back to you, things come to me at the strangest times, brb.
You like fucking with my brain don't you, dammit, I dont get what you mean at all, but wait, I will go and ponder it for awhile and get back to you, things come to me at the strangest times, brb.
not at all bro, just trying to make your point apply as a place to start in reflecting on the greater point to be had if we keep walking down this road...
you stated:

  • "Fuck, I could have google that ages ago, what a douche I have turned out to be. "hangs head in shame""

and then you also concluded:

  • "Basically by that definition the whole damn RIU are sockpuppets?"​

now i'm simply stating that yes i think your observations and conclusions do apply to the general population here and that its a good place to start to get to the greater point...are we still on point? :)
You like fucking with my brain don't you, dammit, I dont get what you mean at all, but wait, I will go and ponder it for awhile and get back to you, things come to me at the strangest times, brb.

hey nevyn are u still thinking out there or are u ready to move on towards the greater point?

im guessing we can push on :)

ok now here's a classic example of a spot on psychopathy diagnosis from the 1800's (and its been substantially peer reviewed lol)


when you have contemplated the above then we could move on to this bit:
I don't get the premise of this whole thread... Is it GOOD or BAD that there are a disproportionately large number of "psychopaths" in positions that require decisions based on fact, rather than emotion and empathy?

A good deal of trauma doctors, military leaders, surgeons, and politicians are "psychopathic" or have "a disproportionately large number of psychopathic traits."

Of course, the terms psychopath and sociopath no longer carry any medical meaning. The term psychiatrists use to describe the personality enhancement formerly referred to as "Psychopath/Sociopath" (they're synonyms) is Antisocial Personality Disorder, and it's defined in the DSM, not on Wiki.
Who didnt know this? They didnt pick abortion and gun control our of a hat.

The entire basis for the left is symbolism over substance, the right just lies much better, or rather their handler lies better.

Regardless both side are sick corrupt and neither cares about us at all.

The left pushes this form of argument refereed to as rhetoric , you've seen buch, trousers, drkynes etc use it, the basic premiss premissis they dont have a rebuttal or cannot defend their position so they twist things and try and get you one a whole different topic instead of being a real person and admitting they didn't quiet get it or where wrong.

Thats why so many are on ignore from me, its not that they disagree with my beliefs, its because they react like a programed stooge.

Good post dna. I hope you put these haters on ignore, never seen anyone present their viewpoint as kindly as you do, even if i disagree with some of your ideas you do well in presenting them without animosity. Something your nemesis could learn from .
Hallelujah, I finally found this thread again, damn, now I have forgotten what my conclusion was......shit!

Hold on....