Recent content by 02aanaa

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    My water EC is ridiculously low when followed manufacturer’s ratios.

    I too have added dolomitic lime together with gypsum to keep the pH up. Well, your comment convinced me to buy synthetics. Any brand you would recommend?
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    My water EC is ridiculously low when followed manufacturer’s ratios.

    Yes, my nutrients are organics. I feel so dumb right now. I did check the pH of final solution as well as of the substrate and all good!
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    My water EC is ridiculously low when followed manufacturer’s ratios.

    Vermiculite + peat, 50:50. So, when should first feeding occur?
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    My water EC is ridiculously low when followed manufacturer’s ratios.

    Hi, I am using rain water, so my “start” EC is 0. I have seedlings, so I followed instructions for seedlings of root juice, calmag and fertilizer and now my EC is 0.1. So should I leave it or should I add more nutrients to achieve roughly 1.3?
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    Small commercial growing startup

    Sure, it is not worth it.
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    Small commercial growing startup

    Yes but they do it for raw material of the plant and also for the buds they will sell for oils. The buds are in no way smokeable.
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    Small commercial growing startup

    Im no way in USA. We do not have such regulations, if any at all. Well, the literal definition of hemp is <0.3%THC (<1% in some states).
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    Small commercial growing startup

    As I said above, the outdoor hemp flowers are trash. On our market the outdoor buds are mainly import from Poland and it is the stuff that no one in Poland wants. Leftovers! On the other side: our country producers fabricate oils from outdoors, but for this you need very expensive equipment. And...
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    Small commercial growing startup

    yes, I hear you. If it wont be working at least I can say to myself that I have tried. Screw the money.
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    Small commercial growing startup

    I know there is no difference, of course. And I have smoked good CBD for relatively fair price but there is also a flood of not so good buds. thank you and thank you for your responses!
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    Small commercial growing startup

    I agree more lights would be better in the matter of to-be-paid rent.
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    Small commercial growing startup

    rent a facility, but only like 200$ per month. But no, as far as I know there is no such law. Neighbours can call the police over the smell and they will confiscate your grow, but if the plants are <1% thc you are clear. However you will need to start from the scratch.
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    Small commercial growing startup

    hehe. I know friendships are tough when money is involved. We have roles in this game, because I am terrible at social contacts and they are terrible at growing, but we all share passion for cannabis. I am scared of going solo is too big bite for me to swallow.
  14. 0

    Small commercial growing startup

    You will get fined. Jail time is very rare here unless it is clear you are selling illegal thc purposely. No farmers licence needed!