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  • I have DJ Short Blueberry F6 fem seeds i made last year to trade ya. Im mainly looking for a pain killing indica.
    Man I have alot of Clearwater and Inhouse…. Let’s work something out
    Hi, I read your comments on the thread re: mushrooms. I was looking to buy the Coco Kit from Magic Mushroom Kit, but you seem to say that it is possible to build a kit much cheaper from scratch? The tutorials I saw on the Web were a bit tedious with a big margin of error. Thanks.
    have you heard of shroomery?
    What many don't consider is spawn takes 2 weeks of your time & some lab skills. A pressure cooker is needed to sterilize grain. Without experience, you may end up with contamination. Not trying to discourage you, just saying as much as it can be done for cheaper, equipment & time is required. If you buy the kit you mentioned you will have pre-made spawn ready to mix into your substrate saving you time & effort.
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