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  • Respect your Bodhi thread comments. Besides space monkey, can you recommend any 'must haves' if any are left on jbcseeds. Thanx
    Hey hillbill, you been running that 10/14 for a while now and happy with it?
    Actually 10:45/13:15 and yes, very pleased. Had heard plenty of it not working before full broad spectrum White LEDs. Needs a lot of light across the spectrum. @torontoke has a thread on short daytime on RIU.
    also ordered from ACE Green Haze x Malawi, DESTROYER (Meao Thai X Mexican 100 % Sativa, and got a 10 pack of reg ZAMEDELICA... most for outside next spring ... Many of Mike's strains look awesome.. thx for the reply sounds like your digging that NSkunk sounds SWEET....!!
    I only ordered 2 pack of str8 C99 for one reason. The daughter moved back in with husband and babe. So I need a "NON" smelly strain to grow in the basement.
    Hey Hillbill, I sent cash to peak 8 days ago from central USA... should I be alarmed mike has not emailed me yet...? how long has your orders taken to GET to Mike....? Fearing the worse ...

    Thx bro
    Have no fear, 10 days to Vancouver Island is the norm. What did you order?
    Mike usually sends freebies of what you order, not sure if I got freebies each time but I think so. His stuff is so uniform and stable.
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