Recent content by 2woodensticks

  1. 2woodensticks

    Can I turn my 11 Day old seedling into 12/12 outside? (pics)

    i see where you live..not far from me...yes will grow,flower ans so on..just protect from cold..chilly ok not cold...will slow down but will still go..try to keep on south faceing side of whatever...i have done this myself...not so cold..all year...colder winter(hahaha) FL. i know but it...
  2. 2woodensticks

    Time to start my seed

    small container better to start..eaiser to control water... never to much!!!they do not like wet feet..keep everyone updated..break a leg
  3. 2woodensticks

    thanks shannon...right now a little old school thai in the sun..

    thanks shannon...right now a little old school thai in the sun..
  4. 2woodensticks

    If the State ran the dispensaries..would you be good whith that?

    look at the tax on something like a pack of smokes and gas ...just think of what taxes would be put on the green...NOOOOOOOOO thanks decriminaliz it at the very least...
  5. 2woodensticks

    What other plants do you grow?

    plumeria ,,yellow ,pink and white,been trying a little crossing project for some of my own colors...some calif. wine grape bonsai...upland cotton i got from costa rica..was growing wild...fruiting figs..mission i think...and bananas...small but sweet
  6. 2woodensticks

    thanks for the like good where you are???

    thanks for the like good where you are???
  7. 2woodensticks

    Maple Leaf Indica

    for me stronger is not always better...still love old school THAI...nice coco smell ...tight coated strains are pretty and strong...but when i drink its not always 151...when i smoke its the same to smoke the whole joint...long lasting and savor the time..
  8. 2woodensticks


  9. 2woodensticks

    Help with troubleshooting. Any advice appreciated!

    you need good air movement...moving plants = strong stems and branches..also less likely to get any kind of mold when they flower...yellowing is prob strong.....dont worry about leaves already yellow worry about the ones that are here in the south lets temp can get...
  10. 2woodensticks

    Tell Me About Your Look

    hopefully not what someone eles is wearing
  11. 2woodensticks


    am wondering if anybody is growing plumeria???i here alot of brits them myself..have several...cant beat the smell of the flowers..any body growing plumeria have any they would like to trade???looking for differant colours:neutral::hump:
  12. 2woodensticks

    looking for new clone's

    hate to say it but you are marked...even if i lived close would not in a millon well 100.00 years
  13. 2woodensticks

    A few big plant pots vs many small pots

    i like smaller pots myself..water little more,little more time tending to the thought easier to control nutes easier to flush..close to end turnes into kind of a hydro/soil thing ...watering more often but like more space...smaller pots more pots and so on..
  14. 2woodensticks


    bubbling is putting a fish tank air pump in the water...all it does is stir it up a little faster to help any chlorine or other chemicals to evaperate..just leave your water out 24 hrs befor then add nutes..unless you are infusing co2 into your water reg air pump just stirs it up a little
  15. 2woodensticks

    soil for cutting roots???

    i dont need to experiment,,its what i soil mix contains potting soil,sharp sand{not playground sand}cruched red lava,and perlight..this is a soil grow typical cfl small stelth..never need more than a cut 2 liter bottle,i have had some get 33in but ilike to keep them around 25in max..not a...