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  • hey man. do you live on oahu? i need some help as I am having trouble germinating my seeds to show its cotyledons. The seed case pops out of the soil, but thats it. Any ideas? I am thinking I planted too shallow. I just started using a dome, but initally planted without watering, only misting after soaking in 12 hours.
    Hi, I've been in HI for about two years now. Prior Navy and getting my card on the 1st. Looking for qualified and responsible caregiver and mentor, but I really only know military in the area. Also been dry for two weeks now and would way rather go herbal than my synthetic meds. Can you help me out at all? Mahalo! Danielle
    probably be to late. you should start finding a trusting friend and have him/her take care of plants while gone and give a portion to him/her. I would be just the guy but i live in Kauai.. :) but who knows, you might get lucky and harvest before you leave..
    depending on strain, you cutting it close..indicas grow fast outdoors and they will make it.. the sativas might not be done by then but worst come to worst you can try covering to cut light cycle. i grow in my yard, so i can easily manipulate conditions. you growing guerilla style or at home?
    growing nirvana strains new purple power and haze. also some satori from mandala seeds and some seeds from my friends past outdoor grow, don't know strain though...yeah R.I.U. is addicting..
    wassup man..just wanted to give a shout out for starting this thread. notice you only on during long season.. :) alohas!
    where you been? haven't seen you post lately, hoping things are okay. wanted to thank you for starting this hawaii thread. big mahalo from aunty, aloha
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