Recent content by 420purplekush

  1. 420purplekush

    Ten Myths of Lighting Revealed

    red for growth blue for flowering
  2. 420purplekush

    Easy to Build DIY Carbon Filter

    fuckin rites i made a carbon filter wheres the best place to purchase the carbon.
  3. 420purplekush

    My First Grow

    nice setup there goin get some premium budd eh
  4. 420purplekush


    nice easy enough
  5. 420purplekush

    Seed Production. A Tutorial

    fuckin rites sweet shit thx man
  6. 420purplekush


    where do you by carbon raps, i got a homemade carbon filter i just need the carbon now.
  7. 420purplekush

    plug in light socket!

    hey, i'm growing a fiew plants but at the moment i can't afford the good lights what do u guys recondmend for cheep but good growing lights.