Recent content by 4amtoker420

  1. 4amtoker420

    Useful tips on how to lose weight. Also please share yours

    Portion control. Try to eat less, more often.,,20769037,00.html
  2. 4amtoker420

    what does someone do when have no family for holidays

    Get a buzz and eat. Blast your favorite music and have some paints and canvas ready to create a piece of art to hang in your place. Do it alone or find a friend who doesn't have family either.
  3. 4amtoker420

    Help my munchies...

    My favorite snack when I crave sweets is a frozen soft serve I make at home and the only ingredient is frozen fruit! My favorite is frozen banana mixed with frozen cherries. Ive also added blueberries and strawberries. I find it's always best when the base fruit is banana, it makes it as creamy...