Recent content by 541Boi

  1. 5

    Should I!?

    So what your saying is anything below about a foot you cut off?
  2. 5

    Should I!?

    This is where I'm at now. I feel like I should've straight lollipop em both on the middle and right the far left on with saggy leaves topped itself so I've kinda left it doo it own thing besides trimming off a lot of lower growth. Btw no fertilizer or nutrients I'm sure there hungry only thing...
  3. 5

    Should I!?

    Just beginning of flower was wondering if I should like lollipop the one and defoliate the other? It's so dam bushy and leafy
  4. 5


  5. 5

    Should I?

    Already know just Dan Dan leaves are SO big already. They shading a lot of grow spots. I mean they only lil over a month old maybe still young to be taking from it already I would think. What y'all do when you trying to lst my main stem is far too thick to try bending and tieing down. I been...
  6. 5

    Should I?

    That's kinda what I been trying to do also. The main stem is so thick already I can't really pull it down to train it and tie it. What should I do? I have been just individually tiring down each limb for training and leaving mains in middle to grow
  7. 5

    Should I?

    Should I defoliate any during veg early been plants only not even month old but some these fan leaves are so dam big that they're covering a lot of plant and shadowing allot of lower growth sites
  8. 5

    What's going on here?

    Also I got one plant that has topped itself!? How common is that something IV never seen before. I'm going to continue like normal and top each side of the plant that has already topped itself. So just by topping once on each side I should have What? 6 or 8? Main collas?
  9. 5

    What's going on here?

    What's happening here?
  10. 5

    Straight up all bad huh!???

    All dude right here huh!?
  11. 5

    How much longer

    How big of deal is it too harvest first light or before lights come on?
  12. 5

    How much longer

    How much of a deal is it too harvest when first light hits them or before.? Does it make that much of a difference?
  13. 5

    How much longer

    There only in 1 1/2 gallon pots, not very big plants in honesty but the buds look good I'm wishing I could know if they're different strains or not im assuming they are but u know
  14. 5

    How much longer

    Like some are all orange hairs now and there curled in
  15. 5

    How much longer

    I'm really just wanting it to be as perfectly done as possible is what I'm going for that way I can know for the future what too look for and what too notice this will be my first all the way through grow there's 6 lil plants there that I got seeds out of random bags of smoke IV had over the...