Recent content by 619OG

  1. 6

    Hey man idk if it's letting me PM you or not, sorry about the late response if you haven't...

    Hey man idk if it's letting me PM you or not, sorry about the late response if you haven't gotten any of my messages. I tried replying a couple times and nothing showed up so i don't think they worked. But yea any questions you have mang jus let me know and i'll be more than happy to help answer...
  2. 6

    LST Lower Bud Shoots?

    post some pictures mang :bigjoint:
  3. 6

    Getting Beans... Favorite short strains? Any hidden Gems to look for???

    If you can get to the bay some how, there are ken's GDP beans out right now. I'm pretty sure they have a constant supply too :bigjoint: VERYYY short plant
  4. 6

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Woodsman - Thank you for taking the time to give me such an in-depth response to my question, it is greatly appreciated and the best help I have received so far here! Definitely deserves a fat bong toke bongsmilie lol As for the pictures posted yes those are up to date I took the ones with the...
  5. 6

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    wow what a great video!! definitely deserves some +REP. BTW thank you to everyone who has contributed to this thread! I'm almost done reading through the whole thing and i want to say what an amazing compilation of information about scrogging and growing in general :bigjoint: I am currently...
  6. 6

    ScrOG GDP from seed w/ pics +rep!!

    Sounds good, yea I ended up trimming the leaves touching the walls in half because i had to cut some anyways due to them getting burned against my side light "/. And i did LST them too! All the tops are growing up reaaal nicely so hopefully i can start to train on the screen in a week :) And...
  7. 6

    ScrOG GDP from seed w/ pics +rep!!

    Fashooo mang thanks a lot for taking the time to answer my questions! Yea I've already cut the lowest fan leaves since they weren't receiving any light at all, and I'm just waiting as you said for some growth to cover the leaves before i cut them :) Right now though most of the leaves are...
  8. 6

    368watt CFL Grow Northern Lights, and Fruity Chronic Juice+Upgraded Cab

    hey chiefs thanks for the support on my page man! idk if you've seen it since you posted but i updated with some pics of LST. I had a question though for you, idk if you've ran into this problem with your fruity chronic juice, but maybe your northern lights since it's such a indica dominant...
  9. 6

    ScrOG GDP from seed w/ pics +rep!!

    Training starts with bending the plant over, so the top is sideways, to allow more light to hit the bottom branches. This is usually done with a sting or something that you can wrap around the plant and pull the stem over. After this you also have to train the individual branches because you...
  10. 6

    ScrOG GDP from seed w/ pics +rep!!

    Sorry guys for being MIA last week, had a bunch of stuff on my plate but I'm back with more updates! But first I'd like to say thank you to everyone who left comments and suggestions for me I really appreciate all the advice and information, every bit helps! :bigjoint: So a little background...
  11. 6

    ScrOG GDP from seed w/ pics +rep!!

    If you top after the third true set of leaves you are correct this enables you to get 6 "tops". But the two highest tops will grow the fastest and will be much taller than the other branches unless you train them all at the same level. the reason I can get 16 tops is because I fimmed instead of...
  12. 6

    ScrOG GDP from seed w/ pics +rep!!

    jeez almost 200 views and nothing?? at least wish me luck or somethin :bigjoint:
  13. 6

    ScrOG GDP from seed w/ pics +rep!!

    hi im currently vegging two gdp beans planning on scrogging them but i am gonna fim first. should i wait til they get a little taller and develop more nodes? or do it about now? my plan was for in the next couple days because if i do it now there will be at least 16 tops. my box is 18"x18" and...
  14. 6

    Day 60 flowering PM starting HELP!

    thanks a lot man i really appreciate it! :bigjoint:yea i was super surprised by the pheno considering it was jus some bagseed. mongo, do you have any suggestions where to buy eagle20 in store? and is it always that pricey?