Recent content by 707mend

  1. 7

    Do i feed every time i water

    It depends, you can dose your fertilizer so you feed once a week you can dose it so you feed every time, I fertilize every time indoor and roughly once a week outdoor. What nutes are you using? Are your plants showing any signs of nute burn or nute deficiency?
  2. 7

    Tricking plant into thinking it’s in a smaller pot.

    What do you mean too much room? I don’t follow. Over watering is definitely the biggest problem people have in my opinion, but you just wait until the dirt is dry then water, and it’s hard too explain how wet the dirt should be without being able too show people but they can just stick their...
  3. 7

    Growing monsters

    Oh 100% they do rofl , not all of them of course but a lot do, most that do are also usually the shittiest ones lol. Like usually black belts aren’t that cocky, but the random dude at the bar with a bench press at home is haha
  4. 7

    Temperature outdoor

    I’ve only dealt with frost a couple times over the years where I’m at and all my plants are in 150-400 gallon smart pots or in the ground. I’d be worried that in a small plastic pot it could effect the roots, I’ve always been of the mind that as long as the soil is a good temp it will be okay...
  5. 7

    2 of my plants not budding in Ontario outdoor

    Just a late bloomer, I still have two or three strains that aren’t flowering at all, they will within the next week or so
  6. 7

    1st time putting in-ground; Question-

    Totally, I just don’t see it being big enough or bushy enough for it too be a problem, if it was really big there’s so much more plant material that’s isolated inside, but on this there isint really anything that’s not getting sun or a breeze
  7. 7

    1st time putting in-ground; Question-

    Nice man that’s awesome, how stable is it? I got some cool Afghan cross strains this year and then a couple different gak strains that I’m super excited about. Yeah I’d be super interested too see how that’s turn out, sounds dope
  8. 7

    1st time putting in-ground; Question-

    Just out of curiosity since you brought it up (and definitely don’t answer if you don’t want too) which of these towns are you closest too, Gualala, fort Bragg, legget, eureka. Just curious since I’m only an hour from fort Bragg myself. Or better yet which station is npr where your at? I’m...
  9. 7

    Temperature outdoor

    And how big are they
  10. 7

    Temperature outdoor

    That’s fine. What are you growing in? Ground, smart pot or plastic pot? And what size hole/pot?
  11. 7

    1st time putting in-ground; Question-

    I definitely 100% would not prune anything off of that. And I wouldn’t even defoliate at all with it being that small, it’s going too pretty much have good light throughout its entirety
  12. 7

    Single branches wilting

    A lot of the times the branches can break where it connects to the stock and you can’t tell it’s broken inside that knuckle, make sure they are all supported well. If you pull on the branch and see if it just pops out
  13. 7

    Advice on Weird Growth? They ok?

  14. 7

    What pot size should i transplant to?

    I’d go minimum 75g looking at your plant, basically the biggest pot you can get, that your comfortable with, and if popping over the fence is a problem just trellis if you only have a few plants it’ll be easy, I like the 300 and 400g smart pots a lot and then anything bigger than that I just do...
  15. 7

    1 potted plant, 1lb, Vancouver Island

    I think there are on their profile