Recent content by 906breeder

  1. 906breeder

    Free Meds - is it legal?

    I honestly cannot believe that my post recieved this are entitled t your opinion and like you mentioned your profit as well. I disagree with you thinking all of the good growers would quit leaving the closet punks. I must argue that it would seem more feesible for the shit growers...
  2. 906breeder

    Free Meds - is it legal?

    I apologize that you were unable to recieve a full understanding from my post. Reading comprehension does seem to be the issue. What I am saying is that you my friend sound like one of "those". It is not impossible to argue that free weed is designed for profit. Are you really that big of an...
  3. 906breeder

    light green spots then death!!!!!!!!!!!

    possibly calcium or magnesium deficiency...could also be potassium issue. do research on these problems and you'll probably come up with your answer. I would flush them, trim that leaf down, and start using a water/water/feed schedule with a 30-50% mix of your nutes. I think that your soils...
  4. 906breeder

    bagseed is garbage.

    this thread is no longer about that stuff..we have came along way since that first step my man...a loooong way! To answer your post NO, NO, NO, NO, NO Landrace strains are landrace strains.
  5. 906breeder

    Free Meds - is it legal?

    I dont believe you fully understand the law and what it implements.. I am a caregiver and do not give away a free ounce a month...I give them a free 2.5 ounces every single cycle. The michigan caregiver deal and reason for 5 patient limit is because its not meant to be a employment opportunity...
  6. 906breeder

    bagseed is garbage.

    yo, your signature aint lying at all about this shit
  7. 906breeder

    bagseed is garbage.

    For the love of this plant, will somebody please learn about phenotype and genotype expression? To be factual- yes there are strains out there that have bad genetics; poor yield, easy mites or mold, too leafy, stretch, any number of horrible traits... Who the fuck grows these strains? Big...
  8. 906breeder

    bagseed is garbage.

    does anybody have any experience with the actual genetics of the cannabis palnt? bagseed is garbage? Lets for pretend pose a hypthetical situation here...I buy an ounce of mids for 100$. A fuck ton of seeds is found within the poorly manicured,mishandled, most likely sun dried mass outdoor...
  9. 906breeder

    Any1 have used Grotek or have heard about it ?

    what do you want to know? They are basic nutes like Dutch Master or TechnaFlora....take the directions for use and cut it back 30-50% and you will be fine. Basic nutritional programs like the rest I would assume. There's Advanced Nutrients chelated and ph/ppm designed for specific use with the...
  10. 906breeder

    how do seeds come

    Its not your mail until you have it. I order from worldwideseeds everytime, and use the gaurenteed shipping. That package is not mine until I sign for it. Exspecially a gift. If I package up a zip of widow in a t-shirt and mail it to you and it gets intercepted, do you think that your getting in...
  11. 906breeder

    how do seeds come

    I live in small town also, and have had other contraband seized in mail- but never ever seeds. They are always discreet, and use good methods. Customs isnt going to come arrest you for some seeds. Get caught signing for a package containing a few pounds of dank....then you'll have an issue. I...
  12. 906breeder

    Curing OG Kush

    did you flush for two weeks, trim and dry your buds correctly and then put them into cure? I have some master kush that doesnt really stink stink until at least 1 month in jars. 10 days is just the begining part of the cure. But also, maybe your seeds were something else, I know the OG KUSH...
  13. 906breeder

    pro breeder coop + log

    yes, to me thats amazing...I usually dry for a week or two, hell once it took 3 weeks till the branches snapped. Then I manicure a little more and loosly pack them into big old Ball jars and let em sit for two days in a dark area, then burp em for a few hours daily after that for about 6 weeks...
  14. 906breeder

    pro breeder coop + log

    yup, thats actually what i had based my statement off of. The date you said that was the 28th around noon. Then the very next day you stated that you had been manicuring and jarring all day. So I guess the next question would be how do we learn your amazing dry technique?
  15. 906breeder

    pro breeder coop + log

    your not drying it first? Your just trimmin and jarrin? I just never heard of anybody doing that.