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  • Greetings OGAerogardener1990 ive realized that your a active grower and have a general idea about aeoponics. Im trying to replicate a see more buds system for my self if i 100% replicate it do you think it will produce the same yields and good quality buds? Also do you no of any good kits witch mimick this growing style of table top high pressure areoponics?
    Any time just give me feedback and heads up and let me know when you'll be passing through.
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    Wait im no grow expert.i.cant give feedback, but summer semester is over the 4th so maybe sometime next week. I always go through 290 then I 10 then 45 to galveston.
    Im starting my grow and ill need.to.keep in touch for indoor advice. My white widow and blueberry is on the way from attitude
    In the end it doesn't matter where you graduate in your class as long as u do so. Going on 8 weeks for that blueberry, going to pull it in the next week or two depending on the trichomes. Their clear/mostly cloudy. Don't see Amber anywhere but I don't want to either. I have a Canadian strain called Jordan of the Isle- Ambrosia. Wow is it good and it isn't done yet. Isn't a big producer but the buzz was killer.
    Still have the air diffusers in place x4 days. Plant appears to be doing well. It is putting on many smaller branches and thickening up. I thought I could post some pictures on here but I can't. I'm going to put them in the newbie section
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