Recent content by abundantlifeseeds

  1. abundantlifeseeds

    Can someone tell me what's going on here ?

    She looks pretty healthy actually seeing that 2nd pic. I would stake her up.
  2. abundantlifeseeds

    Durban Poison stunted growth?

    Are you feeding them those nutrients every day or did you amend the soil also?
  3. abundantlifeseeds

    Cold burn?? Help

    Yes hard to really know for sure from the picture. Something I have done before growing in a super windy location is to surround the plants in fencing. Can help to prevent wind damage and branch snapping.
  4. abundantlifeseeds

    Durban Poison stunted growth?

    To me they look hungry for nitrogen. What did you overfeed them with? P & K? We go high nitrogen for veg, low P & K until they are establised.
  5. abundantlifeseeds

    Cold burn?? Help

    It might be. We have seen plants get wind-whipped like that when the winds are really strong. It will make branches "dead" damping off kind of like your picture. However, it could be something else like soil/nutrients/water.
  6. abundantlifeseeds

    Can someone tell me what's going on here ?

    I would suggest transplanting into a larger container. That potting mix looks pretty soggy as well, maybe mix in some compost and a little soil to get a better consistency