Recent content by AgentX

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    Blue Mountian Organics

    OhSoGreen is correct. I just got a response back from Canna about their Bio and Aqua nutes and this is part of the explanation that applies here. "You will never get a decent reading from BIO as most of the nutrient value is locked up in an organic molecule that has to degrade before the...
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    BioCanna vs. Canna Aqua: Definitive response from Canna

    In trying to decide whether to use one or the other of these products, I asked Canna if they could explain the differences in terms of EC and the amounts necessary to achieve the same concentrations. If you aren't familiar, BioCanna is about twice as expensive as Aqua per liter and little...
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    BioCanna vs. Canna Aqua: Definitive response from Canna

    In trying to decide whether to use one or the other of these products, I asked Canna if they could explain the differences in terms of EC and the amounts necessary to achieve the same concentrations. If you aren't familiar, BioCanna is about twice as expensive as Aqua per liter and little...
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    Bagseed Conniption Fit

    Yep, I know. I actually have one already that I need to install but up until now I've been buying RO since my res is so small. My tap water isn't all that bad to begin with though I still don't use it because I'm having enough trouble as it is. If I could just get the pH thing taken care of I'd...
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    Bagseed Conniption Fit

    First of all, thanks for taking the time to put together that post. I have made a lot of mistakes during this grow, but have managed to compensate well enough to keep things going without total failure. I don't think I'll be attempting soil again, even though the risks are a little higher with...
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    Bagseed Conniption Fit

    Thanks, but that's not really what I'm implying. What I'm asking is, if this is an outdoor strain and I'm trying to grow it indoors or under conditions wholly different from what it came from, is this what I should expect? To say that I haven't done my homework would be way amiss as well because...
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    Bagseed Conniption Fit

    Okay, I just finished building my indoor grow system a couple of months ago and to test the setup I used some bagseed from middies. I can't even begin to describe to you the frustration that I've experienced in trying to cultivate this stuff. Every aspect of this grow has been scrutinized until...
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    Nutrient Question

    I haven't personally worked with the nutes you've got, but rule of thumb is to start at about half the recommended amount and work your way up based on the response you get from your plants. I use a Hanna 98129 combo and have had a good experience with it so far. With electronics, you get what...
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    Blue Mountian Organics

    Okay, I'm with you buddy. I've been using this stuff for the first time around and am having the same issues with getting weak EC/TDS measurements even when mixing way above recommended levels. My meter is a brand new Hanna 98129 Combo that I calibrated personally, twice. I don't know what the...
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    MG Organic Choice Soil WTF?

    For a couple of weeks now I've been pouring over all of the plant problem troubleshooters to try and figure out why my babies are steadily starting to die. With the exception of certain maladies, the symptoms are undifferentiable. So, please, if anyone knows what's happening, there isn't much...
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    marijuana and fruits

    Can you imagine smoking roses? Or getting stoned off of strawberry short cake? How about all of the pies, torts and tarts that are currently made with any of those fruits?
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    do you think i'll get busted?

    So, you guys would really suggest a carbon filter over ozone?
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    Mum chamber minimum height.

    Thanks very much for the input. I totally missed the link on FIM from lorenzo, sorry. That sounds like a pretty good way to go as long as nothing interrupts your grow cycle and you miss the opportunity to take a new series of clones. Much appreciated.
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    Mum chamber minimum height.

    This is a nifty idea if you only plan on doing it for a few cycles. The problem I see with it is in genetic degradation over time. Each time a clone is taken from a clone the plant loses genetic information, decreasing in quality. What I don't know is how many cycles it takes before you start to...
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    1 or 4 plants per square ft? Sea of Green

    Holy run-on sentences. Take it easy, man, you're going to hurt yourself like that. If you've got the space to have your plants grow sideways, then give it a shot. Hell, try half one way and half the other. See which is better. I wouldn't mind knowing.