Recent content by airmarkes

  1. airmarkes

    Cloning problems, need recommendations

    I've been constantly failing in cloning.. don't know why.. the roots won't even start growing from the branch.. can someone send a link to a good topic about cloning?
  2. airmarkes

    Hey dude, you said critical kush is 8 out of 10 .. I'm about to pick a strain to grow.. which...

    Hey dude, you said critical kush is 8 out of 10 .. I'm about to pick a strain to grow.. which one would be 10 for you? Thanks!
  3. airmarkes

    air pump in a freezer?

    I realize mine is to loud, to solve that I put it into a meter of insulated duct to keep the sound in.. Now to solve your problem, just add an fan in one end of the duct.. leave the entreance air near an window for clean oxigen.. you dont want your pump inside the tent pumping supposed high...
  4. airmarkes

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    I just ordered 4x 75rw.. gonna test aside hans 65watts and see what happens.. By the way, about the sex thing.. I don't know about plants, but repitiles I sure do.. If their eggs are too hot they are more likely to get males.. and the other way around.. Might be a common evolution thing..
  5. airmarkes

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    Hi guys.. I have 2 Hans panels which work great but as the upgrade goes.. I need some light to cover 2 tent (5'x5'), so.. First of all I'd get 2x XGS190 as shown in Ex 1.. However, its out of stock.. Then I thought it'd be better 4x RW75 as Ex 2... Now I just think I can't miss any of both...
  6. airmarkes

    A51 190 or A51'S rw75???

    Hi guys, I see I share the same dilema with you all.. I need some light to cover 2 tent (5'x5'), so.. First of all I'd get 2x XGS190 as shown in Ex 1.. However, its out of stock.. Then I thought it'd be better 4x RW75 as Ex 2... Now I just think I can't miss any of both worlds.. (I mean...
  7. airmarkes

    BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

    Well.. Really nice information.. appreciate that.. Then, does it mean that fresh frozen bho wont have much THC since it's not decarboxylated? Should I harvest and decarboxylate in the oven for 1 hour at 240ºF (as I read out there) to reach this 15% moisture you mentioned? I mean, I dont want to...
  8. airmarkes

    BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

    Usually I don't ask questions because I know it's on me the effort to read and learn, however, I'd appreciate an answear since I'm about to harvest and running out of time... Its my first time on bho.. so.. follow me: 'Fresh product' is right after the harvest or right after the process of...
  9. airmarkes

    BHO to Shatter ?

    Usually I don't ask questions because I know it's on me the effort to read and learn, however, I'd appreciate an answear since I'm about to harvest and running out of time... Its my first time on bho.. so.. follow me: 'Fresh product' is right after the harvest or right after the process of...
  10. airmarkes

    Removing fan leaves during flowering

    I'm just a noob and I came here to learn but there is only fights.. so.. I'm gonna state what my intuition tells me about defoliation by observation only.. As a young plant, be defoliated doesn't seem to decrease growth a lot, actually it seems to increase, since the plant exchange the energy to...
  11. airmarkes

    Spirituality as a consequence of intellect

    Maybe because there is a Deity which created reality.. some kind of spirit.. which are misinterpreted and misunderstood among societies... The all powerfull source/force which runs all dimensions.. From a sub-atomic particle til the universe.. the 'so above and so below' kinda thing.. However...
  12. airmarkes

    The Dawgs 1lb Grow Under 300 Watts Of Led

    I'll definitely consider it.. I'm greateful you guided me. See ya! ;)
  13. airmarkes

    What is the reason for the "planty" smell after lights out?

    It rly might be the process of 'sleeping', just like when you snap a brench, it releases a caracteristic smell.. and u can't feel it after a while cause u get used to it...
  14. airmarkes

    The Dawgs 1lb Grow Under 300 Watts Of Led

    Hey dawg, your grow is astonishing! Real porn going on here.. Let me ask you a noob question.. Do the upper roots still get water pumped from the bottom resevoir?
  15. airmarkes

    Plants are so droopy...

    I think I can. It just happened to me.. I left for a weekend and ask my fella to water for me.. When I came back they were just as yours, then I asked him how much he had watered and the answer was less than I expected.. he also told me that formed a pool in the plate and he thought it was ok...