Recent content by akramtona

  1. akramtona

    Is this strain autoflowering?

    I have been slacking with the pics. I will get some before and after harvest. I'll pop some of the clones then as well. Expect the pics next week sometime. I got my seeds from dutchseeds. They came in nirvana packets though. So they must go through nirvana. I have had 100% germ rates and all...
  2. akramtona

    Is this strain autoflowering?

    They were on 24hr. There really was nothing wrong other than they were showing there femininity(spelling). They went into the flower room shortly after I noticed. They are doing awsome since they went into flower. 100% clone success rate. :joint:
  3. akramtona

    Is this strain autoflowering?

    Thanx. After prying my eyes from your new avatar I checked out your grow journal again. The most recent crop is looking sweet. I am amazed you got such growth with the lights so close to eachother. I am doing major training this time to keep these girls short. Nice bud and bod...
  4. akramtona

    Is this strain autoflowering?

    I did some research and this strain is an autoflowering strain. That is fine though. I only plan on cloning this strain through a couple generations and starting from scratch when I buy a new house.
  5. akramtona

    Is this strain autoflowering?

    They are doing fine. They have been put into flower which has basically taken another week off the schedule. More clones will be taken in a few days. The clones are really growing fast since they went in the flower room. Their mother is a week out from harvest and she is looking great. I think I...
  6. akramtona

    Is this strain autoflowering?

    You shall.I am harvesting in about two weeks.
  7. akramtona

    Is this strain autoflowering?

  8. akramtona

    Is this strain autoflowering?

    Hey guys and gals, I am growing ak48 right now and I took my clones awhile back and followed the water cloning method in the growfaq to a t. They were in water for 18 days and then humidity dome for 3 days and now have been under 24 hours of light 7 days or 10 days if you include the 3 in...
  9. akramtona

    Buds for Less - CFL BOOK

    I am nearly finished with a grow that is nearly an exact reproduction of the book. I bought it and have done everything to a T except the strain. Mine is very similar in growing characteristics. So far everything has been right on point with the book. We will see what I get. I had vegged wih cfl...
  10. akramtona

    Gnat Problem

    I used a bunch of methods when I had them. Sticky paper,garden safe spray and no pest poison strips. I found none to work very well. I even put a thick layer of perilite on top of the soil. They just loved that stuff. So I tried neem oil and it took two applications about 4-5 days apart. I also...
  11. akramtona

    New Jersey,nevada,hawaii,kentucky, And Florida. Read!!!!!!

    I agree in part. However isn't saying you believe that it is not ok for the federal government to do something but it is ok for the state to kind of like having your cake and eating it at the same time? It seems he is that way with allot of his stances. If you ask me oppression is oppression no...
  12. akramtona

    New Jersey,nevada,hawaii,kentucky, And Florida. Read!!!!!!

    See what everyone gets blinded by are all the flash and soundbits from Ron. He is an outstanding candidate for sure. I stand by him with most issues which is more than I can say for most of the other runners. I would be glad to call him president. But he has only got this far because it has gone...
  13. akramtona

    trippin' thru my cannabis clubs.

    Our cannabis clubs are a little more down low. That is crazy. I would always go shopping if those were my spoils. I love the please keep out of the reach of children label. Wouldn't want junior munching any nugs. :mrgreen:
  14. akramtona

    New Jersey,nevada,hawaii,kentucky, And Florida. Read!!!!!!

    I added some more to my original post. I hit enter before I was done. I know Ron looks like the guy but he is still a republican. It's not hard to look good when your standing next to the piles of shit he is used to standing by. When it all comes down the line he will still have a republican...
  15. akramtona

    New Jersey,nevada,hawaii,kentucky, And Florida. Read!!!!!!

    Man am I late to the party. Ron has allot of support up here so far which is surprising. He says allot of the right things about current situations. I agree with him in many places. However he is still a republican which means he still prescribes to a certain set of ideals. I really think the...