Recent content by AllmanBro

  1. AllmanBro

    might have an issue ( withpics)

    well these are some blueberry seeds i got a few weeks back, this will be about my 12th harvest from seed from these guys and im only now running into trouble, these babies are under 24hr light 400watt MH, being fed nothing but water for now. Heres the problem, this winter ive noticed that i am...
  2. AllmanBro

    What really happens over there

    well aren't you special :?
  3. AllmanBro

    What really happens over there

    heres whats really going on over there....... - Weed Fields of Afghanistan - Soldier Getting High on Air Duster
  4. AllmanBro

    Northern Illinois

    hahaha i live in the north shore area, wont say the town but will tell you it borders lake county and is on the lake.....and its WAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY to cold to be growing outdoors, not to mention the OUTDOOR growing here sucks balls and is way to short, like the aforementioned posts...
  5. AllmanBro

    12 days old widow,bigbuds,northern

    nah much better site here, thanks for trolling though. To say that "this site blows" i HIGHLY DISAGREE!!! not to mention you posted all your shit today within 10 minutes of each other on different threads within these forums, someone yank this dicks registration, wheres an admin when you need...
  6. AllmanBro

    Day 42, hows she lookin?

    what kinda drainage you got in that bucket? you might want to drill a few hole,just in case, pluss that way your soil can get some air flow. Ive heard bad things about not having drain holes in your buckets. Looks great though. Hey where did you get your seeds. I was looking for a decent...
  7. AllmanBro

    leaves are turning down

    how old, how long your setup been running, is this your first grow? throw us some more details, maybe a pick, without these all our guesses MEAN JACK SHIT!!!!! not to worry, its a weed, how big r the containers they are in, tell us more so we can help :) EDIT: if its the pics in your gallery...
  8. AllmanBro

    Electricity Costs For Indoor Lights

    my whole point is are you really gonna stop growing casue it might cost you $2.50 a day over $2.65? Thats my whole point, the power company gots you by the balls unless you get off the grid, get a quite natural gass generator or a wind turbine and power it yourself, and sell the extra power...
  9. AllmanBro

    2 weeks into flowering

    started with 3 mauii seeds and a few others, 21 in total, over the next few months i weeded it down to 8 that the box could hold, then went to flower and low and behold 6 turned out female :D, now i cloned 4 good looking females and got a bunch of these started..... Blueberry Feminized Marijuana...
  10. AllmanBro

    Electricity Costs For Indoor Lights

    DUDE NO SHIT your spending more than 1 dollar a day man, look at your setup!!!! All i was saying is that at the bare MINIMUM 1 buck a day is the least it will cost you, now if you make your own electicity like me, it dont cost you shit!! and no shit if you got a ton of lights and a bunch of...
  11. AllmanBro

    2 weeks into flowering

    well actually those pics were almost into the 3rd week, but it was 2.5 weeks of flowering at that point, now its monster buds :D yea my dog when she was about 6 months ate my stash, now she just like the smell of it, not the taste :D needless to say that was the last time she ate anything...
  12. AllmanBro

    2 weeks into flowering

    heres the clones, and a few more feminized seeds that finally took :D the big ones are the clones and the guard dog......shes about as happy as I am when these are "out" for re-arranging... now that i think of it i shoulda made a grow journal, i have daily pics and charts of temps, times...
  13. AllmanBro

    First Grow - Pics

    Dude wanna see my first grow???? dont matter if your new or not,i we all have growing pains......and remember there is a reason they call it a grows like one, very "hearty" heres my first grow...a few more weeks to go...
  14. AllmanBro

    Oh sht! My plant is half burned! will it live =(

    LEAVE THE LEAF, say that 10 times really fast :D No seriously leave the leaf on there, if the leaf really truely is dead then it will wilth up and fall off on its own. You will be FINE bud, dont worry it happens to everyone, figure it this way, now you know how close your babies can get to the...
  15. AllmanBro

    Electricity Costs For Indoor Lights

    ok so for a 400w HPS and a few fans and a heater it ran 34 a month, now i added another room- 400 watt MH and a few fans and heater and humidifier and it cost about 60-70 more a month No matter how you figure it, useing the old rule of thumb that 1 dollar a day is usually a good idea