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  • Hi,
    I am new to growing so I am reading/researching everyday. Currently reading: Teaming with microbes, True Living Organics, Worms Eat My Garbage and Roll IT Up threads.
    I Love this site, and most of the people seem to know what they are talking about. It will probably be a while till you see any post from me, as I am new and any questions I have are answered somewhere in a thread.
    I will be looking for friends who are already involved in this business, since I would like to grow commercially when it becomes available(don't we all). I think this is a wonderful plant and I have seen the healing properties first hand.
    currently working on building an ecosystem for my plant via worms/compost/microbes just have to get all the supplies together. This will be a slow process, since I am donating all my money to a higher education at the moment, but I have all the time in the world.
    Thanks for stopping by
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