Recent content by alteredthinking

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    Any experience on MJ and acid reflux?

    Dude, I completely understand what you mean. If i cough really hard while smoking, I get HORRIBLE acid reflux. It feels like the back of my throat is on fire, and even when i drink water, its still burning. I have it going on as we speak! lol. I correct this by taking smaller hits, that dont...
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    CALI Medical question... Please Read!

    Ok, maybe I was to high to word this correctly, but let me try and clear it up. I was wandering if I MOVED IN with someone IN CALI that had there card already, and I got mine while living there, could we grow twice as much bud because we both had MMJ cards?
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    Anyone Heard Of A Clearing House For Marijuana?

    will you please teach me how you did that? +rep for kicking ass with that :)
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    CALI Medical question... Please Read!

    Ok, so I was wandering if I could find a med grower in cali, get them to rent me a room, and let me get my medical card (which i can easy, Im a Medically discharged Marine), and grow with them. My question is can we then be allowed to grow twice the amount because we were both medical...
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    Super Lemon Haze, Kushberry, White Widow1000w

    Hey man, I grew the super lemon haze a few grows back. Absolutely amazing strain, but a little bit finickey (Dont know about the spelling, im a little high). But as long as you baby them, and talk to them everyday, they are just fine. Do you plan on Topping, LSTing, or anything like that...
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    Hey man, I really love how simple you make everything. I was wandering if you could maybe...

    Hey man, I really love how simple you make everything. I was wandering if you could maybe explain PPM's to me, how to regulate or adjust PPM's, and whatnot? I know alot about growing from past grows, but I really want a pure understanding of every aspect. And PPM's is 1 thing I know nothing...
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    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    That puts you at 14.89A on a 15A circuit. That might be cutting it a little close IMO.
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    Need a few tips for my super lemon haze

    Humbolt Big Up Nutes....
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    GOT PAIN? Show us your metal work!

    Hey guys, I dont have any pics, but my brother who was in the Marines with me, got shot in afghanistan. The bullet shattered the ball at the top of your femur where it connects to the hit. The bullet then richocheted (spelling?) downward and snapped his femur clean in half. The x-rays i saw...