Recent content by Anibud

  1. Anibud

    Weed farm pics :D

    Loool amen to that, but you can buy it for some killer deals, plus we have a friend who has a field so we can take any of those :)
  2. Anibud


    Chris is right, for a weed smoking community alot of people can get pretty aggressive here
  3. Anibud

    Weed farm pics :D

    Depends, if it's just on the side of the street then sure you can, but if it's part of one of these fields you'll most likely get shot
  4. Anibud

    Weed farm pics :D

    No not military but half lebanese, I'm a uk grower and thought it'd be a great experience
  5. Anibud

    Weed farm pics :D

    There's a really good vice thing on the place :)
  6. Anibud

    Weed farm pics :D

    You have to be careful through, this place of beauti comes with a price :( because the army has no control over it, a freedom fighting organisation called Hezbollah do. So if they spot a westerner you run the risk of being kidnapped and held ransom
  7. Anibud

    Weed farm pics :D

    Sadly I didn't since I probably would of got shot, however in the village everyone's gardens are overflowing with it and it's literally everywhere, even on the pavement :)
  8. Anibud

    Weed farm pics :D

    M maybe in the pictures but not in real life trust me, they're planted straight into the ground so the root space is unlimited, big plants and biiiig buds :bigjoint:
  9. Anibud


    What's your light cycle? Because if you were to do that you could run the risk of a herme but as I said before, better than nothing right? :)
  10. Anibud

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Sold out :(
  11. Anibud


    Well if it helps my first grows were just window grows so if you could either put it next to a window or give it to a mate that could, it might not be enough but it's something
  12. Anibud

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I usually buy from just feminised but they don't have any grand daddy purple so if anyone has or knows a link it would be a big help :) Cheers
  13. Anibud


    Do you live anywhere with some kind green area where you could put it?
  14. Anibud

    The UK Growers Thread!

    W Would rather buy it from growers than online
  15. Anibud

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Any Londoners with seeds? :)