Recent content by anna

  1. anna

    first generation plants ok to smoke???

    god knows,its what i read on one of the sites that gives info on growing,i was gonna smoke it anyway, but apparently u should wait and smoke the buds off the cutting you take from the 1st plant,i found it hard to believe and would find it even harder to NOT smoke it! the site says the 1st...
  2. anna

    first generation plants ok to smoke???

    well mine was till he got busted and ended his life :-( he was a real pal, but its incredibly hard to find a new one as its in their nature to be quiet about what they are doing if they dont wanna get caught. i'll just have to suffer i guess, but i am so excited about trying out my own...
  3. anna

    first generation plants ok to smoke???

    i wish! im in the uk and we cant get the herb off the docs, even tho mine did admit that it would prob help. as far as buying, i cant find any, theres been quite a few 'busts' in my area and i dont know anyone to go to other than stopping strangers on the street and begging them,lol...believe...
  4. anna

    What health issues does the "erb help u with?

    Hi all, ive had stomach problems for about 5yrs now, getting progressively worse. i wake up in pain, every timei eat im in pain (which makes me not wantto eat so i haveto force myself) 'women's prolems' are horrendous for me and at one timei was on 14 pills a day from the doc, even though they...
  5. anna

    first generation plants ok to smoke???

    ah ty victor, i'll take a peek... well no more smoke for me till my babies are all grown up :( just pain,pain, pain...the docs have been pumping me full of all different pills for 2 years and nothing worked apart from a smoke,it really is my little miracle cure! i love everything about it, the...
  6. anna

    Puffing on some haze atm.

    give ur gf a blow-back and she'll go quiet. please share, i cant get any smoke and my babies are seedings! lol. ahhhhhhhh im so jealous reading this! i want some! i want some! cant get any in my area and its driving me mad!!!!!
  7. anna

    first generation plants ok to smoke???

    lol nice name! it's worth a try! god i just wanna grab my babies and wrap a rizzla around them now! i'm dying for a smoke! lol
  8. anna

    first generation plants ok to smoke???

    cheers godkas, i'll leave my precious babies alone for a while then. i'm not planning on leaving them grow too big cause it really is for personal use only. ive also read that when you get the first lot of buds grow that if u take them off at the point they join the plant that twice as many will...
  9. anna

    Who are you? a/s/l

    im 38, female from wales,uk hi to you all :D
  10. anna

    first generation plants ok to smoke???

    phew,what a relief! i potted my little baby girls a week ago so they have 2 leaves each now. (god they are beautiful,lol). do you think i should start feeding them already? also ive heard something about pruning certain leaves very early to try to make sure youget females fromthe seeds,but i'm...
  11. anna

    first generation plants ok to smoke???

    hi mogie, thanks for your quick reply. i heard they can be full of poisons that can be quite harmfull and that it can be a harsh smoke, that can make ur lungs feel ike they are burning,i read this on one of the 'how to grow' sites...please tell me its total rubbish!
  12. anna

    first generation plants ok to smoke???

    hi all well i am totally and utterly new to all of this. ive read a lot of sites and had some conflicting views on how to grow well. my little ladies have just sprouted and i'm going to have to learn as i go along. (the beginers guide on here is brilliant,thanks for that) i certainly smoke for...