Recent content by aodhan911

  1. aodhan911

    Fungus Gnats

    i had a problem with gnat which i battled for a year...put a layer of horticultural sand perlite or vermiculite about 1 to two inches on the top of each pot (combats laying of eggs)....litter your room with sticky fly traps around de base of de plants also...then use GNAT OFF (Bacillus...
  2. aodhan911

    Serious Seeds White Russian vs Bubble Gum

    I have white russian on a perpetual grow for nearly a year now and it is an absolute winner...have decided for a change to go to Chronic...I have a mother which should b ready for cuttings in about eight weeks... so all going well my 2011 crops should b Chronic...before growing the white russian...
  3. aodhan911

    white russian soil sog/LST

    The chronic mother the cuttings taken today the flower room day 28 And the veg room That's the state of play at the moment... :peace:Aodhan911:peace:
  4. aodhan911

    white russian soil sog/LST

    Hey all long time no post... was without internet for the duration:cry: The good/bad news is that i'm growing away :mrgreen::mrgreen: Presently i have 13 white russian in the flowering room 28 days today...50 cuttings of white russian taken...
  5. aodhan911

    Greenhouse Seeds Great White Shark Grow Box 600W HPS

    Alrite man:peace: you asked about my signature some time ago...months haha...been cained outta me box since...:joint: I don't know where de saying came from but was impressed by it n decided to use it :roll: you appear to have...
  6. aodhan911

    white russian soil sog/LST

    got my dry room sorted...mason jars a little outta my budget at the batch...rubbermaid for this batch...:bigjoint: :bigjoint:AODHAN911:bigjoint:
  7. aodhan911

    white russian soil sog/LST

    here are some pics of how de next crop are coming along in de veg room :weed: well that's about all for now...will keep this posted....;-) :bigjoint:AODHAN911:bigjoint:
  8. aodhan911

    white russian soil sog/LST

    hi all:-P today is day 52 of flowering and according to serious seeds these should be cropped between 56 and 63 days so i'm thinking about 10/12 days to cropping...woohoo:weed: here are some pics...see what ye think n feel free to comment good or bad that's how everything in de...
  9. aodhan911

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    is this thread for real IRISH ie.from ireland:bigjoint::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::bigjoint: :peace:AODHAN911:peace:
  10. aodhan911

    white russian soil sog/LST

    hey madcatter...:peace: i think we have crossed wires...i take my cuttings off a mother plant which i keep in the veg room:lol:;-) this will be de 3rd batch of cuttings...i agree if you take cuttings of flowering plants you loose too much time for them to revert to...
  11. aodhan911

    white russian soil sog/LST

    hello again all... today is day 44 flowering and things are coming along just fine...the link below is an album of how things are looking;-) as can be seen the pistols are...
  12. aodhan911

    white russian soil sog/LST

    nice one M/C... :bigjoint:Aodhan911:bigjoint:
  13. aodhan911

    cool weather drying ????

    hello all... at this stage in de game i have approx 3 1/2 weeks to cropping...i'm a little concerned about drying n curing...the last time i cropped it was warmer n i dried in my attic beside my grow room hanging of the rafters with a 400w heater under them and an oscilating...
  14. aodhan911

    white russian soil sog/LST

    hello all... at this stage in de game i have approx 3 1/2 weeks to cropping...i'm a little concerned about drying n curing...the last time i cropped it was warmer n i dried in my attic beside my grow room hanging of the rafters with a 400w heater under them and an oscilating...