Recent content by baby vetch

  1. baby vetch


  2. baby vetch

    Hello RIU

    wow..are you, by any chance, a wolf?;) i loooooveeee wolves..:D
  3. baby vetch

    Hello RIU

    grow?? not really so into growing..though i smoke some...i just heard RIU is great so i decided to be part of it;)
  4. baby vetch

    Closing a thread!

    hello vacklang!;) just wondering why u are using vacklang as your name here...kristine is quite a good name,,dont you think?;)
  5. baby vetch

    Closing a thread!

    wow..pretty cool to see gals like me around here..hiya girls!how are things going??:) and i thought this was about closing a thread..LOLS;)
  6. baby vetch

    sure probs girl:)

    sure probs girl:)
  7. baby vetch

    Have you ever been betrayed?

    being betrayed by someone whom you have trusted can really hurt..but if you will linger on it for a longer period, you will just end up as the loser...forget it girl...wrap those bad things up and throw them all away..and you'll see life will be better off now that they are no longer part of...
  8. baby vetch

    thank you Maryjaney....i am very happy to be a member of this site..:)

    thank you Maryjaney....i am very happy to be a member of this site..:)
  9. baby vetch

    Hello RIU

    hello there... from wer r u?
  10. baby vetch

    Hello RIU

    Just wanted to say hello to all RIU users... bongsmilie