Recent content by BabyGotBuds

  1. BabyGotBuds

    Concoction of problems. Experienced grower struggling for the first time.

    Never had russet mites but have heard of them. It's hard to tell from the photos but the damage resembles russets. I would hit them with the Trifecta regardless. Whatever you have it kills everything on contact, repels pests, and it's organic no chance for building a resistance. I'm currently...
  2. BabyGotBuds

    abnormal leaf curling

    This is normal for flower as most feeds cut off nitrogen in flower or lower parts of the plant get blocked and don't get light. Your plant looks fine. I wouldn't worry. It looks happy.
  3. BabyGotBuds

    abnormal leaf curling

    Mutation is my best guess as well. TMV has never been proven to affect cannabis plants so it's a long shot. I've seen this on plants that were healthy from seed & they turn out to be the best of the bunch in most cases.
  4. BabyGotBuds

    Concoction of problems. Experienced grower struggling for the first time.

    By doing a google search of thrip infestation on plants in general it looks like the damage in your photos. New growth looks deformed, leaves curled upwards on edges & dehydrated dry look, browning on new foliage. Thrips also love supple areas of the plant i.e new leaves and buds.
  5. BabyGotBuds

    Concoction of problems. Experienced grower struggling for the first time.

    It's a heavy thrips infestation based on the photos which maybe causing all the trouble along with mites. You stated you sprayed AVID to treat the mites in your post. How long ago was that? AVID can be phytotoxic to certain strains. Dead foliage on your plants only attract more pests. I would...
  6. BabyGotBuds

    Concoction of problems. Experienced grower struggling for the first time.

    The opaque small bugs look like thrip larvae to me but they are very small in the pic so I can't be 100. The red looks like sap coming from stem but again pics are a hard to determine. Have you checked soil for pests? I stopped using promix bc of the price and fungus gnats always seemed to catch...
  7. BabyGotBuds

    My 2nd Grow: 4x4 tent in garage, 7 seeds of Skunk

    Trim hash is one of my favorite types of highs. Especially during the trimming time gets so boring to me. I despise this tedious task. Gets me through it. I want to get a vaporizer soon but I'm broke. Expenses are killing me right now. Almost harvest time now though. Sorry to hear about the...
  8. BabyGotBuds

    My 2nd Grow: 4x4 tent in garage, 7 seeds of Skunk

    Hey congrats on your harvest! Have you tasted any yet? I personally don't like popping from seed because of the different phenos I've gotten. Inconsistency is my pet peeve. It's always been hard to find that one you want thats got all the attributes. On the other hand your grow make me wanna...
  9. BabyGotBuds

    Multi-Strain Veg + Wappa Flowers

    I'm handwatering all in the bath tub. I just watered everything yesterday. Took hours lol. But I like a bit of hard work. I don't know the percentage of run off but there is some. The roots have become so compacted that idk if run off even matters. I've heard great things about the Arizer and...
  10. BabyGotBuds

    Multi-Strain Veg + Wappa Flowers

    Congrats, I used to have a pax ad it got stolen. I love BD! It's an amazing uplifter! I gave my friend some clones. I'm surprised he was so against taking some of my BD. Also flowering some blue dreams, kosher kush, gg#4, and some others I forget. Alright, I lose track of days but here's...
  11. BabyGotBuds

    Multi-Strain Veg + Wappa Flowers

    Yesterday! Day 10 I defoliated some fans and sugars leaves to get some light penetration. Wappa is a bushy plant and I've spent so much time defoliating it's crazy. Can't wait to break up with this chick.
  12. BabyGotBuds

    My 2nd Grow: 4x4 tent in garage, 7 seeds of Skunk

    Looking great! If you're having humidity issues I would say drawing air out of the room instead of in is your best bet for lowering RH without a dehumidifier and help regulate temps. Also another trick is raising your temps to 80's this will help dry up some of the water. I flooded 30 gals of...
  13. BabyGotBuds

    Multi-Strain Veg + Wappa Flowers

    Flipped the lights today. I'm gonna give the girls a light feeding soon. Just to give them a bit of a fresh start for flower. I noticed they're root bound but the roots are white and healthy still sucks. I've had a lot going on lately and was suppose to flower a 2 months ago but had some issues...
  14. BabyGotBuds

    My 2nd Grow: 4x4 tent in garage, 7 seeds of Skunk

    Plants should be fine. Skunks stretch a lot in flower. I would keep the shortest plants directly under and keep skunks further so they don't shade the rest. The fan idea is a sound way to get some extra space for them.