Recent content by bärenjude

  1. bärenjude

    LED Panel Upggrade UV / FarRed / HyperRed / DeepBlue

    Hey guys i've build myself a Panel with 15x F562B's und 15x H282D.(in3000K) driver: HLG-320H-C700B und HLG-120H-C350B. it has + - 400W. I have a few questions about FarRed HyperDer DeepBLue and UV. I want to add these or some of them. Sure i want to add FarRed and UV. FarRed i want to have...
  2. bärenjude

    New Samsung influx

    Thx a lot for help! Can you tell me why everyone going to do the wireing paralell? Why don't wire all the LED in a serial way?
  3. bärenjude

    New Samsung influx

    Thanks a Lot! So when I compare your calculation with the F and H Stripes, I think the Q's are less efficient? when I run 15x of F562B at 700mA 229.12W (efficiency ~59.5% PPFD: ~1226) 15x of H282D at 350mA 118.10W ((efficiency ~56.3% PPFD: ~1196) Total W: ~348W With the Q Strips I...
  4. bärenjude

    New Samsung influx

    Nice The Area is 1mx1m, i dont need two lamps, there is no veg and flower zone. But the size of the strips are bad for 1mx1m. So i've decided to make 2 lamps. One 60cm x 90cm with the 56cm strips and one 30cm x 90cm with the 27cm strips. I dont want to use additional Co2,Just want the Highest...
  5. bärenjude

    New Samsung influx

    Can you help me with Calculatoin? I'm a big noob in this business :) I got a Calculating Excel Sheet for F ahnd H Series, but I dont know how to calculate it for myself... I've uploaded the calculation for the planned Setup. Do you think 1200PPFD is to high? Should I wait for the H-Influx...
  6. bärenjude

    New Samsung influx

    So you think it's better to user the Q series then the F and H Series? Do somebody know when they will add the new Influx Series?
  7. bärenjude

    New Samsung influx

    Somewhere i read the Influx are much more efficient. Atm I'm using 10 cree cxa3070 that I've build a feew years ago, but I've damaged some at my last house move. So I looked for a replacement. The Cxa3070 is end of life. The cxa3070 are also not verry efficient. So I've looked i some Blogs and...
  8. bärenjude

    New Samsung influx

    Hey everyone. Do someone use the new influx stripes from Samsung for growing? how good are they? Arethey betther then the F562B? Can someone help me finding a setup for me? Cheers