Recent content by bean town

  1. B

    invation of the hermies

    what should i do ?? last two weeks to flower and really limited to space ??
  2. B

    invation of the hermies

    just started my 7th week of flowering doing my flushing and a couple of my plants have seeds what should i do and will it change the quality of my weed ???:confused:
  3. B

    sweeten the pot

    thanks i'll start molasses tonight my babies will love me
  4. B

    sweeten the pot

    ive been told that molasses sweetens my buds is it true ? im 5 weeks into flowering could i do it now and how much every time i water:hump:
  5. B

    4 weeks flowering when to flush

    thank you!! now i see said the blind man it's my first grow so it is nice to these little things
  6. B

    4 weeks flowering when to flush

    so what your saying is flush everytime i need to water of my last two weeks of flowering and the molasses how would that work if im flushing?
  7. B

    up close and personal... enjoy

    they look just like mine im 34 days into flowering orange bud and mazar how much longer till you chop them? they look great!
  8. B

    4 weeks flowering when to flush

    two things first im 4 weeks into flowering when should i start to flush and how many time do you flush every time you water?? second whats this about molasses and how does it work if it dose how do you use it :rolleyes: thanks
  9. B

    PH problems

    just tried some lime juice worked great ph dropped in seconds thanks!!!
  10. B

    PH problems

    using tap water i let 5 gallons sit for a few days and ph has been fine lately its been high using ph regulator but not working that good seems like i have to add to much whats the best way to lower ph ???:?
  11. B

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    can i top my plants one week into flowering im running out of room
  12. B


    :confused::confused:can i top my plants one week into flowering there all about 2 and 1/2 feet tall I'm running out of room or should i bend them over advice please
  13. B

    fan leaves covering buds ??

    nice trees!!! ill just tuck the fan leaves away thanks !!
  14. B

    fan leaves covering buds ??

    ill try to post some photos i haven't done that yet still new to the site learning
  15. B

    help plants are drinking more than me???

    thanks for the imput kick back and smoke a fatty