Recent content by berttumbleweed

  1. berttumbleweed

    rubbermaid stealth any advice

    k so i fast dryd a small bit to sample and aside from the planty taste and the low thc content for not leting it dry right it was damn good i can tell its gunna taste great... it was a total head high upper... i smoked then cleand my room ... why is the reason u want to go throught canada ...
  2. berttumbleweed

    rubbermaid stealth any advice

    So i decided to harvest i had bought a microscope at radioshack 60-100 mag. it was lke 12 bucks... i used it to look at the trichroms and it was ready... i got 20 grams wet so im wondering wat kind of dried yield i might expect.. im not in a hurry to dry it i want to make sure it has the...
  3. berttumbleweed

    rubbermaid stealth any advice

    ya im excited not that much time left... im gunna take me time curing it thats fo sho ...ill definatly post sum pics right before i harvest .... i havent really had to deal that much with smell smells amazing though like coffee and dead skunk
  4. berttumbleweed

    rubbermaid stealth any advice

    day 41 ... i had to do a bit of pruning but it is turn out nice... also the two other plants r both female and bout 4 in .. tall :joint::shock:
  5. berttumbleweed

    how can i get a medical marijuana card???

    ya thanks man ima go next week get sum xrays then fax the records over i should be fine.... on the thc f it says u only next ur past 3 visits its that wat u sent over or wat?
  6. berttumbleweed

    how can i get a medical marijuana card???

    ALright so i live in washington state...... i want to go get my card... i broke my ankle in 7th grade and i never went to the im 21 and my ankle is hurting me constantly it.... i went to the doctor and he found it was broke but since it happened when i was still growing that there...
  7. berttumbleweed

    rubbermaid stealth any advice

    so im noticing sum yellowing of the leaves especially along the bottom ....a couple small ass leaves have actually falln off... is this cause for concern or is this normal? help
  8. berttumbleweed

    rubbermaid stealth any advice

    its 10 in tall... lowryder is awesome
  9. berttumbleweed

    rubbermaid stealth any advice

    :clap::o:-Peverything is goin good i think heres sum pics its smells good :leaf:
  10. berttumbleweed

    Lowryder dwarf mix grow- mini cabinet

    hey pitbull i got dwarf autoflower mix... my is bout 4 weeks i was wondering how urs turnd out how was the yield ... how was the smell... howd they taste?
  11. berttumbleweed

    lowryder mini stealth questions.

    hey thats a good idea.. i bought lowryder dwarf autoflower mix.... my female is at 4 weeks right now it lookn good... im my opinion ur gunna need to make ur setup tall cuz u gotta take into account the lenght on the lights and the height of the pot it sits in... my setup is 32 in tall and thats...
  12. berttumbleweed

    rubbermaid stealth any advice

    ya i know im pumped its startn to smell real dank... its 9 and 1/2 in tall their only supposed to get 10 to13 in it should really start filln out...ill post another pic tomarrow
  13. berttumbleweed

    rubbermaid stealth any advice

    k so i still dont know why the female is having brown spots and turning yellow... i jus started nutes so maybe that will solve the problem heres a pic though its lookn good otherwise
  14. berttumbleweed

    1st grow w/o soil. 1/2 begining of sog, 1/2 lowryders

    thats lookn good so far i have a lowryder dwarf mix autoflower check it out if ud like
  15. berttumbleweed

    first dwc

    ya this is my first attempt at growing..... the autoflower is awesome jus 20 to 4 light scheduale the whole way through... it starts to flower in the 3 weeks.... 60 days seed to harvest lowryder is perfect for small indoor grows... it only gets 10 to 13 in. tall supposed to get 20 to 28 grams...