Recent content by Beta420

  1. B

    Cindy and Ganesh - chop chop? (PICS)

    I was thinking to harvest on 4/20, for the awesomeness of that, but after looking at the trics this morning with a buddy who has about 8 indoor grows under his belt, Ganesh is coming down tonight and Cindy is coming down Thursday at the latest. Thanks both for your input. Excited to cure and...
  2. B

    Cindy and Ganesh - chop chop? (PICS)

    Thanks B. Didn't know that. I'll take some shots right off a bud when the girls wake up.
  3. B

    Cindy and Ganesh - chop chop? (PICS)

    This is a first grow. Think things are ok so far considering. :clap: Could use some help on when to chop. Both girls are at day 53 of 12/12. Indoor soil grow under a 250 hps with some T5s in the back of the cabinet. They've been getting only water for the last 2 waterings - about 8 days. * Do...
  4. B

    we need a new forum

    Only if April mods! She can hang, dish, and bring the heat...and still keeps it classy. I'm in! (The thread that is, not April.). *Beta looks around and gives a Nervous lol* Sorry... Couldn't resist. (the snarky comment OR April, prolly). Thanks folks. I'll be here all week...
  5. B

    Words, What the fuck.

    Racecar spelled backwards is racecaR. Just sayin' But seriously your post made my brain hurt. In a good way. What else you got going on in that noggin'? I ponder on stuff like this myself sometimes.
  6. B

    is it just me?

    Lets hope she looks a bit harder. My seeker phase slowly being chipped away by the burgeoning weight of the everyday world and a society bent on accumulating "stuff" instead of experiences. This crappy old video gets me every time...
  7. B

    Cop Question

    Lol. I think I hear sirens. and is that a German Shepard I hear? Run now! Don't stop and don't f-ing look back. Get to Mexico and lay low. Get off the grid. In a Few years. you might be safe to come back if you can find a coyote to get you across the river but your too radioactive...
  8. B

    Cop Question

    Careful here. Your utilities may be included but someone somewhere is paying that bill. If it's the building owners or a landlord they may wonder why theres a spike in consumption and start asking questions. I used to own a small apt building. I paid for sewer/water. If a bill came in that was...
  9. B

    Coir Monotub

    Sonar approx how many quarts do you get from a coir brick when hydrated to field capacity? Trying to calculate recipe proportions using damion5050s tek for a few extra BRF cakes currently in 1/2 pints. Thx
  10. B

    East Canada Guerilla growing: Can only water evrey 2 weeks. Any tips?

    No advice. I grow indoors but I'm just grateful to see someone use the proper spelling for "guerilla"!
  11. B

    got busted yesterday, gutted

    Oh snap! Got that right. So let's seee...just got busted. 5-0 raided my house all swat like. Confiscated kilos of bud and almost 2 doz plants. First thing Imma do after being cuffed stuffed and processed is get home log onto RIU with a computer which wasn't confiscated and use my existing user...
  12. B

    Club T5

    1 word: EPIC!
  13. B

    Things You found Out on your own

    By the time you get done screwing with 15 cfls and splitters you could have bought a proper hps or even t5s and got better results.
  14. B

    Grow Kit vs. Tek

    You don't need a PC to do a basic grow. Check out the let's grow mushrooms vids on YouTube. They show the pf tek with BRF. Easy. You can order everything you need online amazon eBay etc.