Recent content by bgreenitscool

  1. bgreenitscool

    Cross breeding hops and cannabis

    i saw on OG years ago, somebody had the F1 alive... but we all know what happend to OG
  2. bgreenitscool

    .::My Micro Cfl Grow 12/12 From Seed::.

    awesome grow man!!! have been watching it for a while, lets see some pics happy/safe growing brother
  3. bgreenitscool

    Tripping Benadryl

    i used to take 7 50mg pills at a time back in school, i have had some fun times on it but also so bad. you CANT decipher between what is fake and what is reality. I freaked out once and havent done it since. i wouldnt advise it.
  4. bgreenitscool

    First Grow ever - CFL White Widow small/medium grow!

    get some wrapping paper that is reflective on the back, its great! not hot spots and can smooth it to look like a mirror!!
  5. bgreenitscool

    Micro Pc Grow!! Done Right!!!

    does it have like a brownish yellow thing holding them together? first hold off a couple days then if all else doesnt work just CAREFULLY take it off. DO NOT harm the plant. but then it should be okay.
  6. bgreenitscool

    PC Grow Box - Stealth-ish

    SWIM made theres light proof by taking all of the panels off and covering the metal shell in black duct tape. Then put the panels back on and mylar the inside! Presto- instant light proof