Recent content by BigBigBuds

  1. BigBigBuds

    1st grow-leaves curlin, yellow spots, gnats wtf!!!!!!

    I'm not sure what the yellowish spots are from, perhaps the flies,but what I did notice is the curling of the end of the leaves that are pointing up. Is that light you have on them like a heat (shop) type light? If so they put off alot of heat and could be hurting your girl. Lots of ways you can...
  2. BigBigBuds

    Pre Flowering

    Sup guys, Trying this NL#5 xHaze mist and I'm on my 6th week of veggin and appears the preflowers are taking forever,should I trigger them to flower? Will I stress them if I do trigger them to flower.
  3. BigBigBuds

    Harvesting a sativa and trichome color.

    Not to stop you from your excitment LoL, but did you flush her? I heard the best time to cut is in the morning though, just an Fyi. Good luck man :)
  4. BigBigBuds

    Need help cloing, Please look.

    Be the Weed plant whisperer LoL, he's right, they will tell you what they need.
  5. BigBigBuds

    Sad Looking Seedlings. First Time grower

    Yep, get them some support so they dont fall over and get them deeper.I would get them some T5's with 6500K Bulbs,they help build strong roots and you can get them really close to the seedlings.
  6. BigBigBuds

    First Grow

    I did kinda the same thing with about the same amount of space, heres what went wrong. Unless your gonna do dwarfs or something like it, then you will want more space. Once my girls got big they started getting bushy and thick and just wasnt enough room for more then 1 plant, and 1 isnt enough...
  7. BigBigBuds

    quick newb question before i make a mistake

    Wouldnt move them around to much,and disturb them. Just open a window every morning or so, and let some fresh air in,thats what I do and works great LoL. I would agree, just do your show outdoors. Good luck man
  8. BigBigBuds

    White Widow Hybrid 3rd Time Grow

    Yep I agree, your ladys are gonna get prego if you get males. Far as them sprouting, I beleive they should have already?
  9. BigBigBuds

    mirical grow

    F*** MG:hump: that stuff is not good for weed, you will have all kinds of problems. I'm on my 2nd grow and I use Fox Farm ocean forest,mix with about 30% warrior. Have gotten great results :) but add nutes weak as the soil already has alot of nutes to get you through for 4-5 weeks. Good luck man
  10. BigBigBuds

    Fan Leaves are spotting?

    I'm using 4 tbls of FF BigBloom per gallon of 6.5ph water. This is my first grow,so I'm doing everything outta of a book and what I learn on here :) I just flushed it again this morningfor the 2nd time. This time I used 1 tbls per gallon. There is now little orange rust spots all over the...
  11. BigBigBuds

    Fan Leaves are spotting?

    Just plain out fuckin sad a mofo cant get any help LoL :finger:
  12. BigBigBuds

    Fan Leaves are spotting?

    wow....No one can help?
  13. BigBigBuds

    Fan Leaves are spotting?

    I noticed this morning that the fan leaves on my girls have brownish spotting and some of the leaves are starting to discolor to a yellowish, I have posted pics. This is my 1st grow and I'am using a 400watt. FFOC soil w/FoxFarm organic nutes and PH is about 6.5. I water every other day or when...
  14. BigBigBuds

    are my plants ok? curling and turning yellow

    Flush them with Ph balanced water and look into toxic build up?
  15. BigBigBuds


    Wow.... You Fuckers made me smoke about a gram reading all the shit talk LoL.... Anyways,Attitude Rocks!