Recent content by BIGBUDDZ


    Dopest Dope You Have Ever smoked

    Yeah man sounds sweet :) I no ill never get that where i live tho :(

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    Very helpfull. Ill do exactly the same as you, The curing on the other hand is what i ont unerstand, You say you leave it overnight and repeat the process untill the buds are the way you desire. But what is the point in curing for long periods of time? Im personally one of those stressy stoners...

    Irish outdoor grow 2010 ( Question )

    No one got any insight into this? Im still a newbie to thisso need all the help i can get..

    Irish outdoor grow 2010 ( Question )

    Ok hey aint been on here in a good while but as you should no i did a grow outdoors in ireland this year but it didnt work as i planted too late. But for next year i want to be prepared so here are some questions i have, 1. What is the strongest outdoor autoflowering seeds i can buy? ( I no...

    Help With Weed In Salou Spain

    Anyone here from spain? I lookin to buy an oz of the best stuff i can get, ind i heard that will cost me about €50?

    Help With Weed In Salou Spain

    What about barcelona? I will be there for a few hours one day. I was toldto try a hydro shop and he will probably hook me up with something. But i dont wanna ask the wrong person and make a fool of myself yano

    Help With Weed In Salou Spain

    Anyone no anywhere i can get weed over there? Dont have to be an exact location but general people to ask?

    Help With Weed In Salou Spain

    Hey people aint been on here in ages. But hey im going over to salou spain in a few day and im wondering does anyone no where i can get some weed in salou? Not hash, that will be the last resourt as i got it last time and it was good but not 'weed' good. And also if you no the prices for...

    From roscommon myself, i was indoor but outdoor now. My grow aint going to bad.. Hows yours...

    From roscommon myself, i was indoor but outdoor now. My grow aint going to bad.. Hows yours? Have you msn its not that safe to talk on this..

    Male Plants! General questions

    Where can i find out how to make blender hash?

    Dopest Dope You Have Ever smoked

    I smoked my first blunt of skunk today :) Ha still baked but still smokin not with blunts tho with a bit of tabacco. Anyone got any better substities for tobacco?

    Stealth Attic Grow Gone Wrong! Need Info

    You would have never fully grown that plant any way lol.. Well i put the 2 plants outside and it is only about 14 degress outside. One of my mates said the plants will prob turn into hemp?

    Stealth Attic Grow Gone Wrong! Need Info

    Ok i will do this. Thanks for the advice guys. Its not sensibly i didnt really think of all the consequences to be quite honest.. I will keep them in the house for one more week or less as soon as i can find a place outside in some field/ build a greenhouse. But the weather hasnt been great...

    Stealth Attic Grow Gone Wrong! Need Info

    Yeah i might try this but i really am worried about the climate in ireland and they will prob get overwatered allot because it rains basically every day here..

    Stealth Attic Grow Gone Wrong! Need Info

    Ok i was doing a stealth attic grow in my parents house and my mother got parranoid of me going into the attic so much and today my sister came into me and told me that my mother would be going into the attic later. She distracted her and i ripped down everything! Lights, walls, cables...