Recent content by bigshark420

  1. bigshark420

    5 Weeks And They Look Like.

    YES def. put them girls under some florezents...for 20 bucks go to wallmart an get a 4 foot hanging light w 2 40w cool lighting....
  2. bigshark420

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello to all my BUD loveing folkz.......1st off,I'm a am seeking the holey bud grail...any tipz will help.I have a 400w HPS Light with three Beautiez under it..(HOG,BUBBA KUSH AN GRAN DADDY PURP)...I just started the flowering cycle yesterday 6-7-2011...ther all around 25 to30...
  3. bigshark420

    Leave PROBLEM!

    Or da might be getting too hot close iz your light from da du u have a fan on dem....?
  4. bigshark420

    week 5 how do they look?

    they look yummy son.....tie dem b---hs ul be fine...but other wize great job man...yeeeeeee
  5. bigshark420

    thanx BUD.....New grower an alwayz except any advise...

    thanx BUD.....New grower an alwayz except any advise...
  6. bigshark420

    tips of leaves pointing down. having trouble fixing

    urz look real good man.mine are duing the same but i think i dont have good enuff ventilation....:eyesmoke:
  7. bigshark420

    ....wazzzzzz zapppning....

    ....wazzzzzz zapppning....