Recent content by BigTitLvr

  1. BigTitLvr


    damn. there is a lot of hate in this post and this thread. you must be smoking crack - it can't be weed. weed generates tolerance, and this post and thread is nothing but negative stereotypes.
  2. BigTitLvr

    How To Trick A Bluedog

    WHAT?! Jesus Christ you're thick! Yes, the current bill sucks balls. But it is NOT meant to destroy private insurance companies. It is a fucking give-away to private insurance companies! They gave Obama and Baucus HUGE amounts of money to campaign and he is paying them back. It mandates any...
  3. BigTitLvr

    How To Trick A Bluedog

    Regarding non-profits, successful ones tend to balloon in size and salaries over time, don't they? That's why I personally believe doctors should be paid directly by the government, unless the citizen chooses his own plan. No one in government is allowed to have a half-million dollar salary so...
  4. BigTitLvr

    How To Trick A Bluedog

    I'm confused. Or STUNNED is more like it. Do you really mean to say that it is UNconservative to care about human life MORE than profits? Wow. I see we have nothing more to discuss. :leaf:
  5. BigTitLvr

    How To Trick A Bluedog

    Word. The experiments with proper health care strategies for modern, 1st world, enlightened nations have been completed. The U.S. is not leading in this field - we are failing. There is no single business model for all industries. For health care- we all must stand up for what is best for the...
  6. BigTitLvr

    How To Trick A Bluedog

    See my last response directly before your post.
  7. BigTitLvr

    How To Trick A Bluedog

    Faux News tactic 101- "bring out the 'S' word". Capitalism is good for nearly all industry, but not health care because: Human life is more valuable than profits. You mistake me: I am not a liberal or socialist. I am a conservative. But you have been brainwashed to believe a conservative is...
  8. BigTitLvr

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    LOL. WHAT THE HELL BROUGHT THAT ON? I've never seen a crown do that before. :clap:
  9. BigTitLvr

    How To Trick A Bluedog

    DAMN! I totally forgot about that trick! Now that finally squares this report with the previous I read that said the big Insurance Companies were fighting Obama's requirement that they must not have more than a 15% profit margin. Sure, paying 85% of your premium to the providers sounds like a...
  10. BigTitLvr

    How To Trick A Bluedog

    Average 3.7% profit margin? Ouch! Now I understand why to cut losses and raise profit they deny a doctor's recommended care to their own paying customers. The reason the majority support a single payer system is that health insurers ought to operating as not-for-profits, or coops. Their...
  11. BigTitLvr

    How To Trick A Bluedog

    I agree. I was too harsh. I just got a little excited. But fighting for wealthy CEOs to continue to get rich at the expense of American lives is both idiotic and un-American. Unless anyone in the site really IS a wealthy CEO, I'm shocked at the amount of people here supporting the current...
  12. BigTitLvr

    How To Trick A Bluedog

    Who knows what people will actually do to try to get around this terrible legislation. Wealthy folks break the law to pay lower taxes, too- further exasperating the deficit. Right now there is no public option so the worst fears FAUX News has drilled into you wont even be considered yet. All...
  13. BigTitLvr

    Co2 through air stones

    Certain old forest trees intake CO2 thru their roots. But the majority of other plants, cannabis too, only takes in CO2 thru the leaves. Attempting to carbonate the water will do no good.
  14. BigTitLvr

    The Problem with younger pot heads

    It seems even weed smokers are getting stingy these days. I am confused by the lack of peace and love in our community. I feel the loss of generosity every time I hear another person discuss how much they hate the idea of paying a dime more in taxes just so their fellow countryman can have life...
  15. BigTitLvr

    Sarah palin admits to crossing border to use canadian health care system

    I wondered if this would get much attention. To the reactionary public listening to Faux News regarding public medicine... Palin is comfortable with Canadian medicine because: Doctors still treat patients - not the government.