I have not ran his gear. I have communicated with him. He is a piece of shit human being. He insulted me for no reason and was very rude in general. Terrible customer service. I would recommend against it. Edit, apparently his antics have caught up with him, he has changed his name online. Not...
He is a piece of shit human being. I asked him a question about a strain. He then insulted me and made a comment about me being mentally disabled. It was a simple question. Nothing that would require that type of response. He was extremely rude and had terrible customer service. I would...
Super fire. Like gas with a hint of incense. It really goes together well. I hate the way it sounds like it tastes, but it's actually really awesome. There is another strain called geo thermal that might be close. I grabbed a couple packs of that one after I tried the la girlz.