Recent content by bingo76

  1. B

    Yup I know it's been answered 1000 times, but...

    Ah, now that's getting a bit complex growing purely for personal consumption, and one grow a year does me fine (vaping is amazingly efficient). So I'm after simplicity/ease over efficiency/top quality. It's a standard glass greenhouse, with no heat control. Last few autos came out well. These...
  2. B

    Yup I know it's been answered 1000 times, but...

    Thanks folks - I'll leave them for another month then :lol:
  3. B

    Yup I know it's been answered 1000 times, but...

    The top image for example is the one where all pistils seem to be brown?
  4. B

    Yup I know it's been answered 1000 times, but...

    Hiya - thanks for this. I had probs uploading images so those are two different plants - both same age, but on one they are all white and the other seem to be all brown (unless I'm misidentifying the pistils!)
  5. B

    Yup I know it's been answered 1000 times, but...

    This is my third grow now, I should be better at this... Are they ready yet? What we have here are White widow autos. They're grown in Ireland in a greenhouse so we're never going to get big yields. The plants are coming up 4 months (planted begin on June). I'm in no particular hurry, but all...
  6. B

    Any options bar the bin?

    Hah - I thought as much. The amusing replies make me feel a tiny bit better. Nevermind, it was the last of three to be dried. The first two safely dried and stored. Thanks all!
  7. B

    Any options bar the bin?

    Been growing outdoors in a greenhouse, and left one plant drying outside for too long. I'm not optimistic, but does anyone have any alternative suggestions bar the bin?
  8. B

    Advice on plant stages when your grow is very sub optimal

    Latest pics attached. A lot of brown pistils, but going to give it another week I reckon. Any advice welcome!
  9. B

    Tobacco/Nicotine Substitute

    Thanks both - I'll checkout that page, although I guess maybe it's time to try a vape!
  10. B

    Tobacco/Nicotine Substitute

    Hey, I realize that for some of you (US-based?) adding tobacco to spliffs is downright heresy :) but seems to be the norm in Europe anyway. Having gown up with spliffs, I enjoy smoking them that way, but want to stop using rolling tobacco (normally Drum Gold or similar) to make them. I've seen...
  11. B

    Advice on plant stages when your grow is very sub optimal

    Cheers for this - as long as I don't lose too many more leaves, I'll keep it going as long as I can
  12. B

    Advice on plant stages when your grow is very sub optimal

    I guess I'll find out soon enough - I'll give in another week or so. Could always do with the seeds if that's the case! I have three new plants at seedling stage. Will give much bigger pots and more nutrients, and see how they go.
  13. B

    Advice on plant stages when your grow is very sub optimal

    Thanks for this link - much appreciated - I'll check it out
  14. B

    Advice on plant stages when your grow is very sub optimal

    Hi - Great forums/resources here. I'm currently growing in an outdoor greenhouse in Ireland, and finding it a little tricky to work out what stage my plant is at. All the pics / references generally cover indoor grows or outdoor grows in good climates. In rainy old Ireland, I'm not expecting...