Recent content by blacfox

  1. B

    Exactly what should I eed my newborns?

    Until now ive never heard of using peroxide for plants but I looked it up and it says it gives more oxygen to the plants wich is good but i dont know if the plant has to be a certain age for it. I think you should hold of on it just to be sure.What are you using for soil/light?
  2. B

    How does she look??

    I was looking at the different types of lights and I saw a hps/mh light with a digital ballast and was wondering if its worth the extra 50 bucks for hps/mh or should i just get the hps.And I was also wondering if the digital ballast makes much of a difference.Also if I got the digital ballast...
  3. B

    How does she look??

    anyone? :weed:
  4. B

    How does she look??

    I think for my next grow im gonna get a 400 watt hps I was looking around and I could get a basic one for around 200. If i had a 400 watt light how many plants would I be able to put under it? I think it might be easier to have 5 huge plants though, so if i had 4-5 plants how tall would i be...
  5. B

    How does she look??

    I roughly 15-16 days into flower and... Its a Girl! ;-) I finally got around to taking some pics. Shes about a 1 1/2 ft tall right now and in a bigger pot.
  6. B

    Flowering questions

    I dont think im gonna get the hps, I think im gonna go with a few more cfls how many should get? Oh and if its gonna get three feet tall I think i might need to get a bigger pot. The pot its in now is 6x6 inches, is that too small and how much bigger should i go?
  7. B

    Flowering questions

    I got a plant in flowering right now, its about a foot tall and has been in flowering for a week and a half. I got 2 four foot grow lux bulbs, 42 w cfl and a 60 w walmart plant light. My first question is its stems form like Y shape into two big stems, is this normal? Also the plant needs...
  8. B

    5 stems?

    I think those look like tomato sprouts, Im growing some now and they look alike
  9. B

    fungus gnats help

    i think im gonna use a circle of plastic with a slit in it to cover the soil and then hold it in place with a circle of cardboard
  10. B

    fungus gnats help

    hey would vermiculite have the same effect of sand?
  11. B

    Yellowing first leaves

    My plant is going pretty good about 6 inches tall now (I'm so proud :eyesmoke:) and the first leaves the cotyledons I think there called are yellowing. Everything else is as green as can be but this is really worrying me. Is this normal?
  12. B

    Stunted Growth, Twisting Leaves, Discoloration

    I have the same problem I too used Miracle Grow "Organic Choice" and transplanted my seedling and the only change ive notice is the stem is thicker. Im getting better soil soon :)
  13. B

    No second leafs?

    My plant is about 6 days old and doesnt have second leafs it under 2 48" grow lux lights, and has a decent size stem I see what I think is the beggining of the leaves and it looks like 2 really small hairs. What am I doing wrong and what should my plant look like?
  14. B


    Thats good i have an extreme population of lady bugs in the winter maybe theyll take care of the nats. I know i have like 40 - 50 lady bugs :)
  15. B


    I got lady bugs and fungus nats what should i do?