Recent content by blackcap

  1. blackcap

    16oz cup grow

    Wow I actually decided to google it and I am damn impressed with what I saw. 12g+ yields from PARTY CUPS? Thats pretty damn neat if you ask me. Read through a journal and seems as though they are quite high maintenance little buggers, but if you've got the time I think it'd be a fun project...
  2. blackcap

    What is a "Solid Tank Joint" in reference to bongs?

    so I would not be able to put a diffuser on this?
  3. blackcap

    What is a "Solid Tank Joint" in reference to bongs?

    Hey everyone, I am in the market for a decent sized bong - and I have narrowed it down to 2.
  4. blackcap


    Whatever happened with this? I am thinking about ordering from EDIT...
  5. blackcap

    What do you guys think about my micro-grow cab?

    I will take this into consideration.. I have heard that when grows lack blue spectrum the plants tend to be lanky and thin. Thanks everyone your posts are all very helpful.
  6. blackcap

    Any use for extra PC fan? PC Case grow.

    Nope, my grow won't actually be under way until I return from a trip on the 27th of this month - I'm glad I even realized otherwise I am 100% positive my lady would have gone to waste had I planted her and then left for 8 days. And I actually bought a bunch of autoflower strains that I plan on...
  7. blackcap

    Any use for extra PC fan? PC Case grow.

    Its about 14.5''x15.5''x7.5'' - real small but its all I've got to work with for a first time grow. Keeping it low scale for now. Heres some pics and yeah dude dupstep is an amazing genre of music
  8. blackcap

    Any use for extra PC fan? PC Case grow.

    Yeah I'm not using a filter, the smell isn't really going to be an issue. Well, would using it one way (intake/outtake) be any more beneficial than the other?
  9. blackcap

    Any use for extra PC fan? PC Case grow.

    Hey all I am just about to put the finishing touches on my PC grow box, and I realized I have a spare PC fan laying around. Would it be of any benefit to have an extra intake/outtake fan? You can see pictures of the pc case here, it isn't very large at all...
  10. blackcap

    Having problems with Attitude Seedbank

    Thats definitely odd. I've only placed a single order with Attitude and everything went as smooth as silk. If I remember correct they send both order and shipment confirmation emails, and its a huge plus being able to track it. Send them an email and I'm sure they'll sort everything out for you...
  11. blackcap

    What do you guys think about my micro-grow cab?

    I'm going straight into a 12/12 due to the limited space and the genes of the plant. Wouldn't this make it not necessary for a veg light?
  12. blackcap

    What do you guys think about my micro-grow cab?

    So more or less its just LSTing in a different fashion? A fixed set of strings to continually tuck the growth under rather than just tying individually every few days? I think I may be catching on.. In your experiences what has been the most favorable germing method for you? I only have one...
  13. blackcap

    What do you guys think about my micro-grow cab?

    I think thats the part that throws me off.. when I pull the plants back under the screen, am I pulling it back completely under or weaving it through the screen? It sounds very very appealing but I feel like it'd be a disaster if attempted it.. I really don't know why its so difficult for me to...
  14. blackcap

    What do you guys think about my micro-grow cab?

    Thanks a lot dude! I am really appreciative of your help. Yeah I wanted to take the SCROG route, seems to be the most effective way of maximizing yields in a limited area - but no matter how many tutorials I read I just can't seem to fully grasp the concept of it. I'm not the sharpest tool in...
  15. blackcap

    What do you guys think about my micro-grow cab?

    hahaha well I'd have to say you are probably 100% correct on that one good sir. Thanks for the info it helps a lot.