Recent content by Blacktom

  1. B

    So I'm pretty sure I'm banned from Target stores for life after today's transaction

    The two hour wait is probably so you spend more money.
  2. B

    5,000+kw in 1bed apartment?

    I Was a maintenance tech in an apt complex and all the buildings with electric included had one meter for the whole should be good man.
  3. B

    Fuckn nanners hu??

    Shit..didn't see the fucker and another over it.
  4. B

    Fuckn nanners hu??

    I don't see any.just calyxs and white hairs.
  5. B

    10 days into Flower, +/- feedback

    She friggin huge! Look at that stem..
  6. B

    Smokin some rude boi

    Pretty nugs..
  7. B

    How do you deal with fungus gnats?

    I'm in fl,I've rode my bike through gnat bug's a fuckin bugs life over here.
  8. B

    150w Led Flood Light

    Good stuff!