Recent content by Blazedandconfused710

  1. Blazedandconfused710

    How much for a pound near you?

    1300-1800 per pound in CO
  2. Blazedandconfused710

    Alpaca manure.

    how much did you end up paying? Ive thought about using some as well since theres so many alpacas in CO.
  3. Blazedandconfused710

    Led seems to burn my leaves up. Mayday...

    no you don't need all lights three for right now. I would use one till they got a big bigger or till you flip into flower.
  4. Blazedandconfused710

    What light for starting seeds?

    I love my T5s for starting seeds, you can start them with your lights high and drop it once they starting needing more light to start veg.
  5. Blazedandconfused710

    Don't let this be you!

    I think you jared that a bit early, normally 5-7 days in 50%-60% hum.
  6. Blazedandconfused710


    I need help with my organic plants
  7. Blazedandconfused710

    subs supersoil

    what nutrient solution do you use with your soil?