Recent content by Blazenugget83

  1. Blazenugget83

    bad aphid infestation

    Get Met52 its a fungus and omri listed. It works. If u jist hav a few plants and wouldnt yield much id toss it en. acephate works well too, it is nasty tho. Good luck, they r the worst.
  2. Blazenugget83

    150 pounds

    2-3 lbs a plant outside is totally do-able with a litte infrastructure and a bunch of 12” clones put out beginning of june. 1 lb. a plant is an extremely low expectation. Especially if you are in Norcal or Southern. If you grow the weed the trimming isnt shit, ppl will trim for weed. I like...
  3. Blazenugget83

    Question about mites.

    you need some preventive measures regardless imo, I have gotten mites too many times from dumb shit like that. Theres no getting around them, especially if u r in a legal state and go to the grocery, hydro shop, fukn applebee’s or whatever. Atleast some sort of organic pestecide or some...
  4. Blazenugget83

    Recommend a tv show to binge-watch

    Shit is very interesting, it gets my approval for sure.
  5. Blazenugget83

    Recommend a tv show to binge-watch

    “Top Boy” is really good too. Its a british gangster/drugdealer type show. Super grimey, makes u feel weird sometimes in the pit of ur stomach, that kind of grimey. Not as grimey as good old Mericans’ tho!!! We got the guns and the hate. Also, “shameless” is on netflix now. The wu-tang show...
  6. Blazenugget83

    Nanolux nccs app and time change

    Lmao. Exactly. That is the most burnt thing ive said in atleast 2 days. Very bad!!! Very bad!!! I figured that out about 20 mns after i posted that and woke up. Thanks for the not calling me a moron friend, and thanks for the solid advice.
  7. Blazenugget83

    Nanolux nccs app and time change

    I got up this morning and my lights were on an hr early because of the pointless time change. I have the nanolux nccs app and control the lighting via my phone. My phone updates automatically, I assumed the nanolux app would correct itself. The shit costs like $170 or something per year, i...
  8. Blazenugget83

    Sunsystem 630w CMH x 12

    Thats day 25 all Ice Cream Cake. 10 nanolux 630s double scrogged, 4x4 space per light. Running house and garden cocos pretty much the whole line except the foliar and expensive ass roots excelullator. I use hydrogard rhizoblast and some powder humic acid too. Most plants are in pure coco in 3...
  9. Blazenugget83

    Sunsystem 630w CMH x 12

    Hey, Lucky Luke. I don’t have a grow journal, I just started posting on here the other day, still trying to learn to navigate the site. I will check out some journals and give it try now tho. Definitely like the supportive input most people contribute. I do have some polics i took though, I...
  10. Blazenugget83

    More SCROG advice please

    If it is above the net and can get some amount of light I usually leave it.
  11. Blazenugget83

    Sunsystem 630w CMH x 12

    Yo, i guarantee that will bring results. I have 12 630w cmh’s too. I flower with 10 and veg w 2. I have a 2.5 ton daikin mini split and a 1hp leader pump w netafim dripper stakes. I also do 4 per light, 4x4, double scrogged. I am quite happy with the setup. You can pull around 2 pounds a...