Recent content by BlazinHigh03

  1. BlazinHigh03

    Is is just me?

    Can anybody post pics? the ad doesn't show for me
  2. BlazinHigh03

    It's my birthday..

    And I'm dry hahaha i'm getting some tomorrow though smoke one for me :)
  3. BlazinHigh03

    See the Great Pyramids while they are still here. Call to destroy the Pyramids begin

    Dumbasses...the pyramids are a great monument. I don't believe they're gonna destroy them though, I mean in which world would somebody allow that kind of stuff? lol
  4. BlazinHigh03

    RAW vs. Bob Marley vs. OCB

    I used to be getting the raw pack with the tips too, but i'll start getting the bob marley ones and the smoking filter tips, cause it's cheaper that way :D
  5. BlazinHigh03

    RAW vs. Bob Marley vs. OCB

    Which papers are the best? For me it would have to be RAW > Bob Marley > OCB
  6. BlazinHigh03

    Are the red zig-zag papers any good?

    Are the zig-zag reds too thick though? Because i've tried rizla red and green, and they both had awful paper taste..
  7. BlazinHigh03

    Are the red zig-zag papers any good?

    True..what i like most about them is the taste, but they dont stick good :/
  8. BlazinHigh03

    Are the red zig-zag papers any good?

    I use raw for king size..couldnt decide whether to get raws or zig zags for normal size though :p
  9. BlazinHigh03

    Are the red zig-zag papers any good?

    They only got the red ones at the corner store, are they any good?
  10. BlazinHigh03

    mangos increase the effects of smoking pot?

    I think you have to have eaten the mango 5-6 hours before smoking to feel the enhancing effects :p
  11. BlazinHigh03

    what strain next

    go for white widow x afghan rider ;)
  12. BlazinHigh03

    Does Green Tea really lower tolerance?

    Sadly you're right :( I'm now seeing how annoying it is to have such a high tolerance you can't really get high unless you have some really dank bud :(
  13. BlazinHigh03

    Does Green Tea really lower tolerance?

    I don't know, but I don't like it a lot. Even though I sometimes drink it lately for obvious reasons :p
  14. BlazinHigh03

    Would you stop using cannabis completely to make it legal for everyone?

    Hell no man...if I had to stop for a certain amount of time and after that I could smoke too, then yes, but otherwise no :bigjoint:
  15. BlazinHigh03


    Man i don't really believe in all that apocalyptic stuff...i do like to take part in conversations like this for the thrill of it though, but i don't really believe any of it lol