Recent content by Bodhi

  1. Bodhi


    Sweet Melon Project - Malaysia here is a large scale project in Malaysia ( I was wrong about AU), they do pressurize the lines for larger set-ups.
  2. Bodhi


    no, not anyone can grow orchids like that pic. orchids are one of the most finnicky plants in the world when is come to maintaining the correct moisture level.
  3. Bodhi

    Should I use a light mover?

    i want to hook up an air cooled Growzilla (Hydroponics : Hydroponic Online Store: Growzilla Dual Bulb HPS Systems) on a light mover for my SOG. Unfortunately they're pretty expensive, but being closer to the midgets os always better.
  4. Bodhi

    Proposed Modification to the SOG method.

    The Wall of Sound almost made the Dead go broke, but a Wall of Green sounds like the kind of privacy fence I want.
  5. Bodhi

    Sea Of Green or not???

    in a sea of green i would put the light on a mover so it could be closer to the midgets, thereby increasing the lumens/ft2 and hopefully the grams/watt rating as well
  6. Bodhi

    fish tank air stone i soil what you think

    Solve your overwatering and O2 problems by varrying your soil mixture with some coco fibre and vermiculite. Check this out as well. Smartvalve MKII
  7. Bodhi

    ventilation question

    if the seal for the glass cover of the lights isn't great it will help with the negative pressure in the room, but you would need to scrub that air. i'm not sure how much air it would pull through the loosely sealed door. Either Carefully drill some holes into the glass to help with suction or...
  8. Bodhi

    Co2 injection advise needed

    A line over each row would be optimal, and don't forget to keep the air moving up off the floor (CO2 is heavy) and around your room.
  9. Bodhi

    The Future Now!

  10. Bodhi


    I'm sure some of you know what need-based hydro is (basically wicking), but has anyone used Autopots or Smartgardens (Hydroponics - systems nutrients supplies and grow lights by FUTUREGARDEN) for their grow yet. These units are obliterating the hydro scene in Australia (their country of origin)...
  11. Bodhi


    CO2 Boost is the name of those new buckets and the site is CO2 Boost - All-natural CO2 Generators for the purpose of CO2 enrichment and air fertilzation As far as your lighting you have 20,600 lumens/4 ft2= 5,150 lm/ft which is almost as much as you would get from a HPS, but your light isn't...
  12. Bodhi


    A $25-$40 meter doesn't adjust the TDS/EC reading for the temperature of the nutrient solution.