Recent content by bongo

  1. bongo

    400w or 600w

    bollocks thats how normally they bust you in the UK at least, thermal images of roof tops couple of fly pasts over a city and they know who's got what, be very carefull with attics those lights give off a massive heat i have a 400 and thats air cool but i wouldnt pick it up after 12 hours on...
  2. bongo

    Day 19 Flowering - How Are My Girls?

    Looking good, i agree one looks stretched but not to bad bring the lights down closer if you can, internodal lenghts will be shorter then and bigger buds, my experience only
  3. bongo

    Holy crap I need help!

    pay now or pay later, you cant grow this shit without the gear, unless your outside
  4. bongo

    How long can i keep a plant in a Double Gulp cup from 7-11?

    No assumption is a good assumption for plants, ive had a few that looked like they had beards and a belly, but later took the form of bud,could be just better genetics in that seed
  5. bongo

    whats wrong here?

    probably because its a little pissed that its leaves are being ripped off,,,,,,,,,,,the shape of the leaf has nothing to do with nothing on a cannabis advice slap your mum and give your plant some love
  6. bongo

    Please Help Garden Safe Rose and Flower insecticide

    Whats your set up, leaves probably wilting due to lack of light, ive grown for many a year and yes i do get flies too, but they just fly around the plants pissing me off, far more than the plants,post a pic of set up
  7. bongo

    am i done... newbie

    7 weeks too early freind, give it another week or two, till they fatten up, yellowing leaves are nothing to do with thc content, its just what the plant does to put all its energy into the buds, i would wait until they pull off easily
  8. bongo

    Is this a male? Day 8 flowering

    Judging by the internodal length i would say you have a female, let us know
  9. bongo

    Let me see you dog...(pet)

    ]This is my one year old American Bulldog girl... she is dirty, but she is about 130lbs. 23 in neck.. she is getting big... Let me see your pet...So do you think of her???[ Nice bitch but you've taken the time to weigh her and take a neck measurement?????????? Why? are you a softy so you need...
  10. bongo

    anybody wanna fight?

    I'l have one too....and i'll travel
  11. bongo

    What would you do?

    I have passed a drugs test even after a heavy session two days before,something to do with cranberry juice dont know why, just mopped my blood up a bit,doctors advice he's 60 and likes valium great world,i,m loving it
  12. bongo

    3rd week of flower...and

    Sounds like magnesium deficit to me, get some nutes sorted, you could use piss if you are skint or desperate,mmmm taste lovely in a blunt or two
  13. bongo

    pot and pregnancy

    You wanted the joint,your baby had @@ck all say in the matter, and no smoking didnt help it to be healthy........if you cant stay of the weed/crack/meth........stay off the cock, you'l find it helps
  14. bongo

    Early harvest

    I personally dont flush much at all, your plants are not finished at all dude you want to wait a couple of weeks,cut them now and all you'll get is pissed off with a headache
  15. bongo

    11 week bud question

    May aswell leave it now, you could cut it and, it will grow balls to piss you off lovely grow by the way