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  • So ya feel lucky... well do ya punk....Well my grandpa always said ... the more I practice to luckier I get... so after 20 plus years growing....I am still practicing.... and yes I get lucky. Been up to here in dirt... and up to there in water...if you haven't tried getting wet... well what ya waiting for.... take it easy.. get some meters and go for it... the trick is...a little goes a long ways.. a lot... kills....use what works at first... then experiment in small unit next to the mother load... its fun and worth the adventure. I never messed with seeds... I was always in the circle of farmers that didn't mind sharing a few babes. But if your not so lucky then go for the feminized seed that is LOCKED in. Nice to see a lot of new people getting there finger nails a bit dirty. My question would be to the serious hydro growers. What is your favorite nutes and why. Thanks in advance.... MAKE MY DAY
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