Recent content by Braedan1488

  1. B

    Trying to figure out how to set it up

    I was thinking of cutting out an inch hole an inch below the net pot and using pvc to run straight down the middle Of the pots and having it split off to each and capping the end pipe, having it return to the reservoir?
  2. B

    Trying to figure out how to set it up

    That’s what I’m asking Should I put another 3 way split off and than run that tube back to the res at the top or bottom or them bucket?
  3. B

    Trying to figure out how to set it up

    It has a res sorry from that tubing
  4. B

    Trying to figure out how to set it up

    Hey there new to hey do tried soil and outdoor, thought I’d try a dwc system But just have a couple questions before I run it. question 1- would it be best to run just air stones in each or put a pump in and have it loop back as a current with a t in the last bucket Question 2- what is the...
  5. B

    Best advice for powdery mildew?

    *update* they seem to look better I used the safers 3 in 1 seemed to tame them ish than 5 days later hit them with 1 gallon water Table spoon of baking soda Table soon veg oil Squirt or two of dawn soap
  6. B

    Best advice for powdery mildew?

    Okay okay I was like man the woman’s gunna kill me lol
  7. B

    Best advice for powdery mildew?

    This might sound dumb but if you spray em with 2 gallon does it not just drip off
  8. B

    Best advice for powdery mildew?

    What do you spray it eith just wondering?
  9. B

    Best advice for powdery mildew?

    I did just defoliant today so they look little better but this is how close
  10. B

    Best advice for powdery mildew?

    Oh the ventilation is good I have a 6 inch typoohn no filter so straight 398 cfm 3 fans one top one middle and a lower it was I fucked up and slacked getting dehumidifier set up and well now I’m dealing with it
  11. B

    Best advice for powdery mildew?

    The shortage looks from the lights on and I’ve never seen a bug in the tent yet I’ll have to set a hot shot?
  12. B

    Best advice for powdery mildew?

    I found an old pic very top right leaf
  13. B

    Best advice for powdery mildew?

    I’ll take pics later when it comes back( hopfully it doesn’t) it’s not bad it’s like 3-4 leaves on 2 plants the blue dream seems untouched I tried the safers on the affected parts each cause I took the first cpl advices but we’ll see and if not I will have pics and definitely try the h2o2
  14. B

    Best advice for powdery mildew?

    I’ll give this a shot next lol I’m sure it’s not going anywhere soon
  15. B

    Best advice for powdery mildew?

    Everything I read tho is tho make it taste like poop is this true and ya it’s the first grow and I didn’t get dehumidifier in time and within one night bam she arouse lol now humidity is at 40-50 the highest