Recent content by BuddahLovah

  1. BuddahLovah

    Growing Shrooms

    Shrooms are cool on my book. Wouldnt waste my money, luckily a close friend grows them and lets me eat them to help him pick all the bastards!
  2. BuddahLovah

    Too high????

    One time i ate half a pan off bud brownies at once. 13-9 pan to be exact. and i also smoked a blunt of purple kush. I was pretty much high for 48 hours from the time i woke up and on. It was quite a high. Possibly too high....
  3. BuddahLovah


    Whats up ppl.? I'm Camacho and i am a full fledge'd bluntmaster : ) haha. and i will have pics up soon of my work. But just found the site and started planting my own because of the useful Guide. I will be on alot so get at me !