Recent content by buried

  1. B

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    I grow Carolina Reapers and about 20 other varieties of super-hot peppers (mixed in w/MJ). The forgiveness level offered by my fiance after a day's harvest was remarkable. That was 20+ years ago, but we're both still scarred and scared of good peppers and give them space.
  2. B

    So Many Problems....Help Plz

    That's a great pic for diagnostics theGreenHornet! Can you up a higher resolution version or provide a link to the source? Thanks
  3. B

    Silly question time: mirrors?

    goog specular reflection - lots of good info. Also try search for "ray" equations or models. Importantly, consider the typical thickness of glass on a mirror vs the thin film on mylar. Have fun & good luck.