Recent content by BurningSnail

  1. B

    hey i know im sorta a new face round here but im on some other forums for years. Im interested...

    hey i know im sorta a new face round here but im on some other forums for years. Im interested in your methoxetamine vendor. I will offer you in return the holy grail vendor i use. The reason so many vendors on the wholesale level are dropping out is because many of them are merging. all kinds...
  2. B

    Burn Mr, Molly? Help!

    back on topic. yes you can smoke Molly (MDMA powder). its over fast and takes more than it should to get there. Smoking the freebase of any amphetamine will not be advised as they are caustic insoluble oils in their freebase form. capably of causing massive tissue damage. politics are for...
  3. B

    Losing The Magic

    pure ignorance. While MDMA and friends are partially seretonergic in action, the dopamine reuptake is whats causing the tolerance/comedown dysphoria. Thats why 5-methyl-MDA is so great because its more active at the seretonin site and significantly less at the dopamine. plus it lasts longer and...
  4. B

    Outdoor Odor

    I imagine it all depends on climate but Im certain I can smell my neighbors a quarter mile away in the high summer.
  5. B

    How much water?

    i know plenty about chemicals in hoses and water. I have some background with industrial chemicals. My water is from a very small municipality (So far from SoCal...give thanks). Im just wondering how many people even know how much water they give their outdoor and if they do, how much/ for what...
  6. B

    How much water?

    Hi, i am a semi-experienced outdoor grower, in a state with medical laws. I have a couple of seasons under my belt. But it's time to turn up the notch this year so I'm rethinking a few things. One of the most important is water. I have always watered with a hose. I'm considering measuring my...
  7. B

    hash question

    Yeah. If it is dry enough. keep it dark cool and dry. improves with age. (at least the real thing does, hash oil or extracts last a long time when stored in the above conditions, but will lose flavor over time.) I like my bubble hash to be aged at least a year. (But I always end up smoking...
  8. B

    Mdma capsule

    If you live in the US will test samples for free. As far as "Molly" looking like brown sugar, you need to get a new connect. It should be an off-white crystaline powder. Anyone interested in this kinda stuff should read PIHKAL by Alexander Shulgin. Good luck.