buyyouabeer's latest activity

  • buyyouabeer
    buyyouabeer replied to the thread Switching time.
    Curious as to the current week of flower you are at? That is going to fuck with them. I always run my light period at night; feed them...
  • buyyouabeer
    buyyouabeer reacted to Phytoplankton's post in the thread Switching time with Like Like.
    No, give em 24 hours of dark, then switch to the new time set-up.
  • buyyouabeer
    buyyouabeer reacted to Jimski's post in the thread sativa question with Love Love.
    Every time I see a plant with a top like that I swear I hear the theme from 2001 a space Odyssey playing
  • buyyouabeer
    buyyouabeer replied to the thread sativa question.
    I think the GT high is very pleasant. You have the euphoric Thai and the narcotic Malawi in a very tasty berry incense liver meat thing...
  • buyyouabeer
    buyyouabeer replied to the thread sativa question.
    I have grown both the regular GT and the Thai leaning one; all great. However Mrs. Beer and my favorite strain is straight Malawi; it is...
    • 1000000503_adj.jpg
  • buyyouabeer
    buyyouabeer replied to the thread sativa question.
    Looking good, love GT. You didn't say what your light schedule is but I always run my Sativas on 11/13. Helps with the flowering time...